[en] Old Testament Commentary Survey Baker Academic
[en] The Love of Loves in the Song of Songs Crossway Books
[en] Hebrew for Life Baker Academic
[en] [Encountering Biblical Studies 01] • Encountering the Old Testament Baker Academic
[en] The Holy Land for Christian Travelers Baker Books
[en] The World Around the Old Testament Baker Academic
[en] [Encountering Biblical Studies 01] • Encountering the Book of Psalms Baker Academic
[en] The Old Testament Is Dying Baker Academic
[en] Ancient Israel's History · An Introduction to Issues and Sources Baker Publishing Group
[en] The a to Z Guide to Bible Signs and Symbols Baker Books
[en] [Expositor's Bible Commentary 01] • Psalms Zondervan Academic
[en] Revelation (Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary) Kregel Academic & Professional
[en] NIVAC Bundle 3 Zondervan