[en] Rescue the Surviving Souls PrincetonUP
[en] Banquet for the Damned Random House Publishing Group
[en] Quiller Meridian Harpercollins
[en] Snakes and Ladders Adam Croft
[en] [Corruption Cycle 01] • Corruption Lilydog Books
[en] Killing a Messiah IVP Academic
[en] Options Volatility Trading · Strategies for Profiting From Market Swings McGraw-Hill Education
[en] Windows 8.1 Apps With XAML and C# Unleashed Sams Publishing
[en] Secrets of the Best Chefs Artisan Publishers
[en] American Insecurity Princeton University Press
[en] [Daniel Klein 01] • The Moses Legacy Avon
[en] [Jake the Fake 02] • Jake the Fake Goes for Laughs Crown Books for Young Readers