[en] A Tsar's Gold (Parker Chase Book 6) Golden Idol Publishing
[en] Fiends and Festivals Sun's Golden Ray Publishing
[en] The Ancestors' Secrets Golden Box Books Publishing
[en] Can't Catch My Breath Golden Crown Publishing, LLC
[en] Silent Escapes#1 Golden Ivy Publishing (Dark Ivy)
[en] Targeted Heart Golden Lark Publishing
[en] The Vampire's Raven Golden Elm Publishing
[en] Vignettes of a Pianist Golden Brick Road Publishing House
[en] Who Goes There?: The Legend of Talley Botton Ridge Golden Panda Publishing
[en] Town At The End of Nowhere: A Paranormal Short Story Golden Panda Publishing
[en] We Love Each Other, but . . . Golden Books Adult Publishing
[en] The Howling Man: Wolfmen and Werewolves - Reality and Legends Golden Panda Publishing
[en] Paula: A Ghost Story - A Love Story - A Nightmare you will Never forget! Golden Panda Publishing
[en] Little Book of Memories Golden Panda Publishing
[en] BANE: Eaten Alive! Golden Panda Publishing
[en] Can't Catch My Breath: A Sweet Standalone Romance (Love in Fenton County) Golden Crown Publishing, LLC
[en] Christmas As We Know It Golden Crown Publishing, LLC
[en] Jackson Pollock Golden Springs Publishing