Found 1052 books

[en] Matthew Baker Books

Brown, Jeannine K.

[en] Fortress Commentary on the Bible Fortress Press, Fortress Press

Aymer, Margaret

[en] The Baker Illustrated Bible Commentary Baker Books

Burge, Gary M. & Hill, Andrew E.

[en] Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Patzia, Arthur G.

[en] Philippians and Philemon Baker Academic

Thompson, James W.

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 2 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Scott, James M.

[en] [Gutenberg 63636] • The Glad Tidings Teach Services, Inc.

Waggoner, E.J.

[en] The Book of Daniel LIFE SENTENCE Publishing

Stendal, Russell

[en] [New International Biblical Commentary 01] • 1 Corinthians Baker Publishing Group, Baker Books

Soards, Marion L.