[pt] [The Lover 01] • O Amante Cosac Naify
[en] Studying Sound, A Theory and Practice of Sound Design MIT Press
[en] Under the Shadows Midnight Ink
[en] To Deceive an Empire · Love and Warfare Series Book 3 Cave Books
[pt] Discipulado Editora Mundo Cristão
[en] The Keys to the Temple · Unlocking Dion Fortune's Mystical Qabalah Through Her Occult Novels Llewellyn Publications
[pt] A história de Kullervo WMF Martins Fontes
[en] [Subject- Found 01] • Chasing the Demon Paul Sating Productions
[fr] Le Dieu fou · Essai sur les origines de Śiva et de Dionysos (Vérité des mythes t. 46) Les Belles Lettres
[it] Il sonno della ragione. Saggi sulla violenza Liguori Editore S.r.l.
[en] Geoengineering Earth's Climate Twenty-First Century Books (Tm)
[en] Marilyn Monroe Author & Company
[it] Il Gioco Dell'oca Prospettiva Editrice