Found 142 books

[en] High Performance Parallelism Pearls Volume One Morgan Kaufmann

Jeffers, James & Reinders, James

[en] Mastering PyCharm Packt Publishing

Islam, Quazi Nafiul

[en] Pro Python Apress

[en] Hello! Python Manning Publications

Briggs, Anthony

[en] Python Digital Forensics Cookbook Packt Publishing

Bryce, Chapin & Miller, Preston

[en] Essential SQLAlchemy O'Reilly Media

Copeland, Rick

[en] Learning Concurrency in Python Packt Publishing

Forbes, Elliot

[en] Mining the Social Web · 3rd Edition O'Reilly Media

Klassen, Mikhail & Russell, Matthew A.

[en] The Python Standard Library by Example Addison-Wesley Professional

Hellmann, Doug

[en] Matplotlib for Python Developers · 2nd Edition Packt Publishing

Yu, Allen & Chung, Claire & Yim, Aldrin

[en] Genetic Algorithms with Python Clinton Sheppard

Asciidoctor & Sheppard, Clinton