[en] The Believer's Authority · What You Didn't Learn in Church Harrison House
[en] Effortless Change · the Word Is the Seed That Can Change Your Life Harrison House
[en] Healing the Sick · A Living Classic Harrison House
[en] Another Look at the Rapture Harrison House
[en] Jambalaya for the Soul Harrison House
[en] Jesus Our Intercessor Harrison House
[en] Living at the End of Time Harrison House
[en] The Power of the Tongue Harrison House
[en] Don't Be Affected by the World's Message Harrison House, Incorporated
[en] The Battle of Life Harrison House, Incorporated
[en] The Sovereignty of God Harrison House
[en] The Ministry of Cheerfulness Harrison House
[en] Leave It in the Hands of a Specialist Harrison House
[en] What Jesus Taught About Manifesting Abundance Harrison House
[en] The Force of Joy Harrison House
[en] Fruits of Righteousness Harrison House
[en] Giving · The Essence of Living Harrison House
[en] Man's Crown of Glory Harrison House