[en] Batting on the Bosphorus Greystone Books
[en] [Cambridge Companions to Literature 01] • The Cambridge Companion to European Novelists Cambridge University Press
[it] Sicily and the Enlightenment I.B. Tauris
[en] Archie and the North Wind Luath Press Limited
[en] The Girl on the Ferryboat Luath Press
[en] Memory and Straw Luath Press Ltd
[en] Lady gwendolyn Black Wolf Books, Inc.
[en] [The Border Chronicles 06] • Bond of Passion Signet
[nl] De wildernis die liefde heet Uitgeverij Areopagus
[en] [Gate 02] • An Ancient Connection Smashwords Edition
[en] [Gate 01] • A New Breed of Orc Smashwords Edition