[en] [Chili Palmer 02] • Elmore Leonard William Morrow
[en] The First Prophecy (The Oracle Series Book 1) printed and sold by Downes and March. And may be had of Messrs . Robinsons & Becket , London
[nl] Troost en Geluk Boekerij
[es] [The Wild Hunt 01] • Wild Hunt 1 - Bajo La Hiedra Gollancz
[en] The Wonder of Unicorns Findhorn Press
[en] [Pew! Pew! 01] • The Quest for More Pew! The Wooden Pen Press
[fr] [Western 22] • Pickering Forgotten Books
[pt] A Prisioneira do fogo Publicações Europa-America
[en] The Last Continent Dell Books
[en] The Ambassadors
[eng] The Devotion of Delflenor R. Cooper
[sn] He Raru ki Tai Huia (NZ) Ltd
[en] The Lighthouse Witches Berkley Books
[fr] Le Corsaire Rouge Forgotten Books