[pt] Os Melhores Textos De Richard P. Feynman Editora Blucher
[de] Es ist so einfach · Vom Vergnügen, Dinge zu entdecken Piper Verlag
[es] Richard P. Feynman. La Física De Las Palabras Crítica
[it] Il Labirinto Dei Quanti Codice edizioni
[de] QED · Die seltsame Theorie des Lichts und der Materie Piper Verlag
[en] The Meaning of It All Basic Books
[cs] O povaze fyzikálních zákonů Aurora
[es] [Feynman 01] • ¿Esta usted de broma Sr. Feynman? Alianza Editorial
[en] Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! W. W. Norton & Company
[en] Feynman's Tips on Physics Basic Books
[es] El Placer De Descubrir Critica
[en] "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!" · Adventures of a Curious Character W. W. Norton & Company
[pt] O Senhor Está Brincando, Sr. Feynman! Elsevier
[fr] Vous Y Comprenez Quelque Chose, Monsieur Feynman ? Odile Jacob
[en] Surely You're Joking Mr Feynman Vintage
[en] The Pleasure of Finding Things Out Basic Books