[en] The Artistic Links Between William Shakespeare and Sir Thomas More Palgrave Macmillan
[en] Shadow Medicine Columbia University Press
[en] Return to Sender Booktrope
[en] Medical Protestants · the Eclectics in American Medicine, 1825-1939 Southern Illinois University Press
[en] A Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes Routledge
Kostelanetz, Richard & Carlin, Richard & Cohen, Mark Daniel & Colombo, John Robert & Coulter, Tony & Doria, Charles & Dorda, Michal Ulrike & Ellis, Nona Eleanor & Grumman, Bob & Haller, Robert & Huth, Geof & Janecek, Gerald & Kaplan, Carter & Matheson, Katy & S., Gloria & McDarrah, Fred W. & Peters, Michael & Puchowski, Douglas & Rocco, John & Satanovsky, Igor & Slonimsky, Nicolas & Truck, Fred
[en] The Lady Upstairs G.P. Putnam's Sons
[nl] Licht en Schaduw VU uitgeverij
[de] [Being with you 04] • The Lie · Vertraue mir nicht Heyne Verlag
[de] Christas neue Heimat Franz Schneider Verlag, Berlin
[de] Worte, die im Busines wirken PuddleDancer Press
[de] Alfred · König der Angel-Sachsen Urheberrechtsfrei