[pt] É Agora ... Ou Nunca Bertrand Brasil
[en] Aquinas, Aristotle, and the Promise of the Common Good Cambridge University Press
[hu] [Walsh Family 04] • Marian Keyes - Van valaki odaát Ulpius-ház
[hu] Marian Keyes - A legfényesebb csillag Ulpius-ház
[en] O Night Divine · A Holiday Collection of Spirited Christmas Tales Dragonblade Publishing
Veque, Kathryn Le & Lee, Caroline & Bowlin, Chasity & McQueen, Hildie & Andersen, Maggi & Lancaster, Mary & Platt, Meara & Rand, Violette & Aston, Alexa & Markland, Anna & Claire, Anna St. & Wynne, Aubrey & Wren, Charlotte & Carter, Elizabeth Ellen & Johns, Elizabeth & Keysian, Elizabeth & Murdoch, Emily E K & Royal, Emily & Carr, Gabrielle & Connolly, Lynne & Greyson, Maeve & Blake, Whitney
[fr] Le Murmure Des Vagues Actes Sud
[de] Fürstinnen Manesse Verlag
[es] La Familia Y Otros Líos PLAZA & JANES
[en] Essays and Stories by Marian Keyes HarperCollins
[en] Essays and Stories by Marian Keyes HarperCollins
[en] Marian Keyes - Lucy Sullivan Is Getting Married HarperCollins Publishers
[es] Sushi Para Principiantes Debolsillo
[es] Mi Vida · Instrucciones De Uso Plaza & Janés
[hu] Utolsó esély szalon
[hu] Lucy Sullivan férjhez megy Ulpius-ház
[hu] Utolsó esély szalon Ulpius-ház
[fr] Une Vie De Reve Pocket
[es] Una Pareja Casi Perfecta Plaza y Janés
[es] Mi Karma Y Yo Plaza & Janés