[en] Counterclockwise · Mindful Health and the Power of Possibility Ballantine Books
[en] Mindfulness Da Capo Lifelong Books
[en] The Power of Mindful Learning (A Merloyd Lawrence Book) Da Capo Lifelong Books
[en] Mindfulness, 25th anniversary edition Da Capo Lifelong Books
[en] Consciousness and the Universe · Quantum Physics, Evolution, Brain & Mind Science Publishers
[en] Harvard Business Review Emotional Intelligence Collection (4 Books) (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) Harvard Business Review Press
[da] Skaterland 1. Kristoffer aka Krissy B, eBog Rosinante-Co
[nl] De Glazenwasser
[nl] De Glazenwasser Faxion
[fr] L'alouette affolée Lux Éditeur
[fr] [L'Intégrale 02] • Récits De La Grande Explosion Bragelonne
[fr] La Flûte De Verre Froid Librairie des Champs-Élysées
[fr] Examens De L’OCDE Du Cadre D’évaluation De L’éducation · Maroc Éditions OCDE
[en] Paths to Central American Prehistory University Press of Colorado
[fr] L'Alouette Affolée Lux Éditeur
[en] Angel Baby Mulholland Books
[en] Angel Baby · A Novel Little, Brown