Found 225 books

[en] [Kiss of the Wolf 01] • When Darkness Falls Silhouette Desire

Krinard, Susan & Lee, Tanith & Vaughn, Evelyn

[en] Blood 20 Telos Publishing

[en] Fatal Women Lethe Press

[en] Winter Moon (Walker Papers #1.5 Included) LUNA

Lackey, Mercedes & Lee, Tanith & Murphy, C.E.

[en] Fatal Women Lethe Press

[es] Desde las fronteras de la mente femenina Ultramar

Green, Jen & LeFanu, Sarah & Saxton, Josephine & Elphinstone, Margaret & Russ, Joanna & Jones, Gwyneth & Ireland, Baverly & Lee, Tanith & Battley, Lannah & Zoline, Pamela A. & Gentle, Mary & Gapper, Frances & McNeill, Pearlie & Tuttle, Lisa & Mitchison, Naomi & Fairbairns, Zoe & Casdagli, Penny & Sheldon, Raccoona & Thomason, Sue

[en] The Wildside Book of Fantasy · 20 Great Tales of Fantasy Wildside Press

Wolfe, Gene & Lee, Tanith & Hoffman, Nina Kiriki & Swann, Thomas Burnett & Jackson, Clive & Filippo, Paul di & Leiber, Fritz & Howard, Robert E. & Watt-Evans, Lawrence & Betancourt, John Gregory & Smith, Clark Ashton & Carter, Lin & Price, E. Hoffmann & Schwetizer, Darrell & Stableford, Brian & Abdullah, Achmed & McNaughton, Brian

[en] [Legends 01] • Legends NewCon Press

Whates, Ian & Nicholls, Stan & Barclay, James & Sebold, Gaie & Constantine, Storm & Lee, Tanith & Green, Jonathan & Abercrombie, Joe & McKenna, Juliet E. & Nicholls, Anne & Tchaikovsky, Adrian & Siegel, Jan & Unerman, Sandra

[en] [The Tales of Dunk and Egg 03] • The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 2011 Prime Books

Guran, Paula & Partridge, Norman & Shirley, John & Kiernan, Caitlín R. & Duffy, Steve & McHugh, Maureen & Barron, Laird & Lanagan, Margo & Atkins, Peter & Lansdale, Joe R. & Hanover, M.L.N. & Langan, Sarah & Lee, Tanith & Jones, Stephen Graham & Lake, Jay & Slatter, Angela & Gaiman, Neil & Green, Simon R. & Wolfe, Gene & Hobson, M.K. & Berman, Steve & Sedia, Ekaterina & Skeet, Michael & Rucker, Lynda E. & Watts, Peter & Totton, Sarah & Tullis, S.D. & Black, Holly & Aronovitz, Mike & Valentine, Genevieve & Powers, Tim & Martin, George R.R.

[en] [The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror 01] • The Year's Best Dark Fantasy & Horror, 2011 Edition Prime Books

Black, Holly & Gaiman, Neil & Green, Simon R. & Kiernan, Caitlin R. & Lansdale, Joe R. & Lee, Tanith & Martin, George R.R. & Powers, Tim & Shirley, John

[en] Legends · Stories in Honour of David Gemmel NewCon Press

Abercrombie, Joe & Lee, Tanith & Barclay, James & McKenna, Juliet E. & Whates, Ian & Nicholls, Stan

[fr] [Four-BEE 02] • Le Vin Saphir Librairie des Champs-Élysées

[fr] [Walker Papers 1.50] • Coeurs De Lunes Harlequin

Lackey, Mercedes & Lee, Tanith & Murphy, C.E.