[de] Amadís von Gallien Klett-Cotta
[es] [Amadís de Gaula 01] • Amadís de Gaula Cátedra
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[en] Tuesday's Promise Hachette Books
[en] Until Tuesday · A Wounded Warrior and the Golden Retriever Who Saved Him Hachette Books
[en] 5 ·2 Lifestyle Murdoch Books
[en] [Pepe Carvalho 02] • Tattoo Melville International Crime
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[it] Oro, Cannibali, Carrozze (Bollati Boringhieri Saggi) Bollati Boringhieri
[en] [Pepe Carvalho 05] • Murder in the Central Committee Melville International Crime
[es] [Pepe Carvalho 18] • Roldán, Ni Vivo Ni Muerto Planeta
[it] [Pepe Carvalho 21] • L'Uomo Della Mia Vita Feltrinelli