[en] A BODY IN THE COTTAGE a gripping Welsh crime mystery full of twists (The West Wales Murder Mysteries Book 5) Joffe Books crime thriller, mystery and suspense
[en] A BODY OUT AT SEA a gripping Welsh crime mystery full of twists (The West Wales Murder Mysteries Book 2) Joffe Books crime thriller, mystery and suspense
[en] [Slater & Norman Mystery 01] • Death of a Temptress Amazon Media EU
[en] [Alfie Bowman Novellas 05] • A Handsome Stranger UNKNOWN
[en] Who Kidnapped Billy Bumble? UNKNOWN
[en] An Unnecessary Murder UNKNOWN
[en] An Unlikely Hero UNKNOWN
[en] [DS Dave Slater 06] • The Secret of Wild Boar Woods Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
[en] [Dave Slater 02] • Just a Coincidence & Florence UNKNOWN
[en] [Alfie Bowman 02] • Missing Without Trace UNKNOWN
[en] [DS Dave Slater 08] • The Kidney Donor UNKNOWN