[en] Tinsel and Tatas: A Holiday Romantic Comedy Anthology
Kilby Blades & Serena Bell & Kameron Claire & Dylann Crush & Hope Ellis & Melonie Johnson & Tawdra Kandle & Stina Lindenblatt & Elizabeth Lynx & Claire Marti & MK Meredith & Susannah Nix & Tracey Pedersen & Marika Ray & Piper Rayne & Arell Rivers & Brenda St John Brown & Sylvie Stewart
[en] As Long As We Both Shall Eat Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
[en] Jingle Balls Tickled Pinkest
Crush, Dylann & Award, Aidy & Bell, Serena & Blades, Kilby & Henry, Sophia & Hovland, Christina & Johnson, Melonie & Kandle, Tawdra & Lindenblatt, Stina & Lynx, Elizabeth & Marti, Claire & Meredith, M.K. & Nix, Susannah & Pedersen, Tracey & Ray, Marika & Rayne, Piper & Rivers, Arell & Brown, Brenda St. John & Stewart, Delancey & Stewart, Sylvie
[en] Dear Mona Lisa... Claire Davis and Al Stewart
[en] Impact Ripples M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads
[en] A Case of Time
[en] [Copper Saddle Distillery 01] • Inherit the Gin Manta Ray Press
[en] Oskar Blows a Gasket Beaten Track Publishing
[en] Eight Inches to make Johnny Smile Beaten Track Publishing
[en] Ribbons and Frills Beaten Track Publishing
[en] The Forest Savage Goodreads M/M Romance Group
[en] The Invasion of Tork Beaten Track
[en] Nobody's Butterfly Beaten Track Publishing
[en] Shut Your Face, Anthony Pace Beaten Track Publishing
[en] [Tork and Adam 02] • The Invasion of Adam Beaten Track
[en] Hearts of Gold Beechwood Publishing
[en] The History of Us Touchstone
[en] More Than A Lawman Harlequin
[en] Beulah Land Chicago Review Press