[en] Happily Ever Afterlives Olivia Waite
[en] A Thief in the Nude Olivia Waite
[pt] Guia de Cuidados com Abelhas-Rainhas Harlequin
[en] [Feminine Pursuits 01] • The Lady's Guide to Celestial Mechanics Avon Impulse
[en] ColorMeBad Ellora's Cave
[en] The Care and Feeding of Waspish Widows Avon Impulse
[en] [Rushmore Brothers 02] • At His Countess' Pleasure Ellora's Cave
[en] Canada 1874-1896 McClelland & Stewart
[en] In the Cut Brathwaite Publishing
[en] [Antique Print 03] • Shadows on the Ivy Scribner
[en] Irony and Outrage Oxford University Press