[en] Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] An Introduction to Statistical Learning Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Partial Differential Equations Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Applied Predictive Modeling Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Elementary Analysis Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Quantum Theory for Mathematicians Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Bayesian and Frequentist Regression Methods Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] Introduction to the Theory of Quantum Information Processing Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] R for SAS and SPSS Users Springer New York, New York, NY
[en] A New Introduction to Karl Marx, New Materialism, Critique of Political Economy, and the Concept of Metabolism Springer International Publishing
[en] Fast Facts for the New Nurse Practitioner · 2nd Edition Springer Publishing Company
[en] Divorce in Europe, New Insights in Trends, Causes and Consequences of Relation Break-ups Springer International Publishing