Found 46 books

[en] Missy's murder Dell

Kingsbury, Karen

[en] When I Found You Kirsten S. Blacketer

Kirsten S. Blacketer

[en] The Five O'Clock Follies Calliope Press

[en] The Case of the '61 Chevy Impala Epicenter Press Inc.

[en] The Summer of Love Louise Hathaway

Louise Hathaway

[en] Dark Town Redemption HardBooks Publishing

Hardwick, Gary

[en] The Last Campaign Henry Holt and Co.

Clarke, Thurston

[en] The Young Intruder Harlequin Romance

Farnes, Eleanor

[fr] The History Man (1975) Penguin Books


[it] Nagisa Oshima Il Castoro Editrice

Arecco, Sergio

[pt] A Sombra Da Impunidade Vozes, 1985

Grael, Coronel Dickson M.

[en] Voyaging With Kids - A Guide to Family Life Afloat L&L Pardey Publications

Gifford, Behan & Johnson, Sara Dawn & Robertson, Michael