[en] The Closer: A Marriage of Convenience Romantic Comedy Kristy Marie Books LLC
[de] Love in the City · Herzklopfen in der Oxford Street dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Je tiefer das Tal dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] IOU · A Romantic Comedy Kristy Mae
[de] Tod zur Tea Time dp Digital Publishers
[en] [Wicked Earls' Christmas 01] • Earl of Scarborough Blue Rose Romance®
[pt] O Ponto Do Caos Editora Pensamento-Cultrix Ltda.
[en] Once Wicked
[en] One More Body in the Pool Mulholland Books
[en] [The Snow & Winter Collection 01] • Interlude Emporium Press
[fr] [Walt Longmire 10] • Tout Autre Nom Éditions Gallmeister
[pt] Direito Sumular Esquematizado – TST Saraiva
[en] [Invitation To... 03] • Invitation to Passion Bronwen Evans
[pt] Dez anos que abalaram o Brasil. E o futuro? Geração Editorial
[en] To Die for Honor Moriona Press
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