[en] The Power of a Single Number, A Political History of GDP Columbia University Press
[en] Crude Volatility, The History and the Future of Boom-Bust Oil Prices Columbia University Press
[en] A Brief History of Entrepreneurship, The Pioneers, Profiteers, and Racketeers Who Shaped Our World Columbia Business School Publishing
[en] Credit Code Red Scribe
[pt] Como Vai O Brasil? · A Economia Brasileira No Terceiro Milênio Ímã Editorial
[en] Investment Columbia Business School Publishing
[en] Risk, Choice, and Uncertainty, Three Centuries of Economic Decision-Making Columbia University Press
[es] Dinero, lenguaje y pensamiento. La economía literaria y la filosófica, desde la Edad Media hasta la época moderna Fondo de Cultura Económica
[en] The Evolution of Money Columbia University Press
[en] Heaven's Bankers Abrams
[en] Futurevision Scribe Publications Pty Ltd.
[en] Rotman on Design Rotman-Utp Publishing
[en] Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa Columbia University Press
[en] The Art Of Business Value It Revolution Press
[en] Debt-Proof Your Marriage Fleming H. Revell Company
[en] Soundtracks Baker Books
[en] The Great East Asian War and the Birth of the Korean Nation Columbia University Press
[en] Merger Masters, Tales of Arbitrage Columbia University Press
[en] Making Great Strategy: Arguing for Organizational Advantage, Arguing for Organizational Advantage Columbia University Press