Found 23 books

[en] Rotman on Design Rotman-Utp Publishing

[en] Industrial Policy and Economic Transformation in Africa Columbia University Press

Noman, Akbar & Stiglitz, Joseph E.

[en] Ecological Economics for the Anthropocene Columbia University Press

Brown, Peter G.

[en] Investment Columbia Business School Publishing

Reamer, Norton

[en] The Best Business Writing 2013 Columbia University Press

Starkman, Dean

[en] Inside the Investments of Warren Buffett, Twenty Cases Columbia Business School Publishing

[en] Big Money Thinks Small, Biases, Blind Spots, and Smarter Investing Columbia Business School Publishing

Tillinghast, Joel

[en] The Evolution of Money Columbia University Press

[en] FDA in the Twenty-First Century Columbia University Press

Cohen, I. Glenn

[en] Merger Masters, Tales of Arbitrage Columbia University Press