Found 4307 books

[en] Trump · The Art of the Deal Ballantine Books

Trump, Donald J.

[en] Finding the Uncommon Deal Wiley

Bailey, Adam Leitman

[en] Dealing With People You Can't Stand McGraw-Hill Education

Brinkman, Rick & Kirschner, Rick

[en] Venture Deals John Wiley & Sons

Feld, Brad & Mendelson, Jason

[en] The Heart of the Deal Diversion Publishing

Lolli, Anthony

[en] Dealing With Meetings You Can't Stand McGraw-Hill Education

Brinkman, Rick

[en] The Great American Drug Deal Evelexa Press

Kolchinsky, Peter

[en] The Deals That Made the World William Morrow

Peretti, Jacques

[en] Raw Deal St. Martin's Press

[en] The Deal from Hell PublicAffairs