[en] [In Death 11] • Judgment in Death The Berkeley Publishing Group
[en] [In Death 28] • Promises in Death Putnam
[en] Handbook of Pediatric Psychology in School Settings Routledge
[en] Coming of age in Samoa · Psychological study of primitive youth for western civilisation Harper Perennial
[en] [Harry Potter 07] • Harry Potter - 07 - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Arthur A. Levine Books
[en] [Beast Quest 19] • Nixa the Death Bringer Scholastic Paperbacks
[en] Beauty & Health / Health & Beauty · Cross Over From Death to Life CreateSpace
[en] [The Three Lost Kids 04] • The Death of the Sugar Fairy Daring Books
[en] [Gutenberg 17102] • An Elegy on the Death of a Mad Dog Dodo Press
[en] Instruments of Death DK Publishing (Dorling Kindersley)
[en] Fairy Tale Rituals · Engage the Dark, Eerie & Erotic Power of Familiar Stories Llewellyn Publications
[en] The Conscious Parent Namaste Publishing
[en] The Conscious Parent B de Bolsillo
[en] Dating and the Single Parent Bethany House Publishers
[en] Friend, the False Anchor
[en] What Dreams May Come Tor Books