Found 1159 books

[en] CSB Holy Bible B&H Publishing Group

Publishers, Holman Bible

[en] CSB Worldview Study Bible Holman Bible Publishers

Holman, CSB Bibles by

[en] Genesis · History, Fiction, or Neither? · Three Views on the Bible's Earliest Chapters (Counterpoints · Bible and Theology) Zondervan Academic

Hoffmeier, James K. & Wenham, Gordon John & Sparks, Kenton & Halton, Charles

[en] How the Bible Came to Be Baker Books

Hays, J. Daniel & Duvall, J. Scott

[en] Fireside Personal Study Bible: NABRE Fireside Catholic Publishing

Fireside Catholic Publishing & US Catholic Conference

[en] The Origin of the Bible Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

Bruce, Frederick Fyvie & Comfort, Philip Wesley

[en] Catholic Church and the Bible Ignatius Press

Stravinskas, Peter