Found 1096 books

[en] Waking Up the Sun NineStar Press

[en] Waking Up the Sun Nine Star Press

[en] Verity

[en] Svelte and Sapper in Action Simon and Schuster

Volkmann, Mark

[en] Software Requirements Microsoft Press

Wiegers, Karl E. & Beatty, Joy

[en] Software Requirements 3 Microsoft Press

Wiegers, Karl E.

[en] Making Software O'Reilly Media

Wilson, Greg & Oram, Andrew

[en] Shipping Greatness O'Reilly Media

Mey, Chris Vander

[en] Solid Code · Optimizing the Software Development Life Cycle Addison-Wesley Professional

Marshall, Donis & Bruno, John

[en] Visual C# 2005 O'Reilly Media

Liberty, Jesse

[en] Learning UML 2.0 O'Reilly Media

Miles, Russ & Hamilton, Kim