Found 16518 books

[en] Black Liberation and Socialism Haymarket Books

[en] Programming Social Applications O'Reilly Media

LeBlanc, Jonathan

[en] Social Network Analysis for Startups O'Reilly Media

Tsvetovat, Maksim & Kouznetsov, Alexander

[it] Guerra E Darwinismo Sociale Rubbettino

Vergata, Antonello La

[en] Privacy in Social Networks Morgan & Claypool

Zheleva, Elena & Terzi, Evimaria & Getoor, Lise

[en] The Social Gospel of Jesus Fortress Press

Malina, Bruce J.

[en] Driving results through social networks Jossey-Bass

Cross, Rob & Thomas, Robert J.

[en] LikeWar · The Weaponization of Social Media Eamon Dolan/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Singer, P.W. & Brooking, Emerson T.