[en] [Gutenberg 55414] • Grand Teton · A Guide to Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming National Park Service
[en] [Gutenberg 52838] • Creation of the Teton Landscape: The Geologic Story of Grand Teton National Park Grand Teton Association
[en] Dirt Cheap Photo Guide to Grand Teton National Park Smashwords
[en] [Gutenberg 50381] • Colter's Hell and Jackson's Hole / The Fur Trappers' Exploration of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Park Region Yellowstone Library and Museum Association
[en] Murder in the Devil's Cauldron Smashwords, Inc.
[en] [Midnight Warriors 01] • Parallel Attraction Signet
[en] Grand Canyon Destination Press
[it] Sbadatamente Ho Fatto L'Amore Bompiani
[fr] Dieu, Allah, Moi Et Les Autres Editions Gallimard
[it] Stravaganze romane. Guida alla Roma da visitare senza orario né biglietto (FIRSTonline con goWare) goWare e FIRSTonline
[en] Streisand · Her Life Crown