[en] The Scent of Ancient Magic University of Michigan Press (limited)
[ro] Istoria Romana Vol. I-IV Editura Polirom
[en] Destroyer of the Gods · Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World Baylor University Press
[en] Quest for the Lost Roman Legions Savas Beatie
[en] The Greek War of Independence The Overlook Press
[en] The Roman Guide to Slave Management · A Treatise by Nobleman Marcus Sidonius Falx The Overlook Press
[en] Constantine The Overlook Press
[en] Before and After Alexander The Overlook Press
[en] Caesar's Greatest Victory Casemate Books
[en] Life As Told by a Sapiens to a Neanderthal Scribe
[en] Democratic Swarms: Ancient Comedy and the Politics of the People University of Chicago Press