[en] A Farewell to Legs: An Aaron Tucker Mystery Bancroft Press
[en] The Marx Sisters: A Kathy Kolla and David Brock Mystery Arcade Publishing
[en] Incontinence of the Void The MIT Press
[en] Heresies and Heretics Lutterworth Press
[pt] Do Que É Feito O Pensamento · A Língua Como Janela Para a Natureza Humana Companhia das Letras
[en] [The MIT Press Essential Knowledge 01] • Nihilism MIT Press
[en] Love and Capital. Karl and Jenny Marx and the Birth of a Revolution Little, Brown and Company
[it] Spettri Di Marx Raffaello Cortina
[it] Che C'entra Marx Con Pol Pot? Laterza
[en] German Philosophy, A Dialogue MIT Press
[it] Chi comanda in Italia goWare
[it] Marx inattuale Bollati Boringhieri
[en] The Questionable Tales · A Steampunk Trio Michael Seeley, via Smashwords