[en] Neurolinguistics MIT Press
[en] The Heart of the Brain, The Hypothalamus and Its Hormones MIT Press
[en] The Certainty of Uncertainty Imprint Academic
[pt] Em Busca Da Memória Companhia das Letras
[en] Rhythm to Recovery · A Practical Guide to Using Rhythmic Music, Voice and Movement for Social and Emotional Development Jessica Kingsley Publishers
[de] Führen mit Hirn Campus
[en] The Digital Mind, How Science is Redefining Humanity MIT Press
[de] Ein Neues Ich Hay House
[pt] E O Cérebro Criou O Homem Companhia das Letras
[pt] Em Busca De Espinosa Companhia das Letras
[pt] E O Cérebro Criou O Homem Vfinal1 Editorial Bizâncio - Lisboa
[de] Wir sind unser Gehirn Knaur Taschenbuch
[en] Spillover · Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic W. W. Norton
[en] Demon Camp · A Soldier's Exorcism Scribner Book Company
[en] The Mind, Consciousness, Prediction, and the Brain MIT Press
[en] Stress-Proof Brain New Harbinger Publications
[en] Make the Most of Your Memory Guardian Shorts