[en] Owning the Street, The Everyday Life of Property MIT Press
[en] Pluralism and the Mind Imprint Academic
[en] Modern Pluralism · Anglo-American Debates Since 1880 Hardcover Cambridge University Press
[en] Progressive Muslims · On Justice, Gender and Pluralism Oneworld Publications
[en] Figments of Reality · the Evolution of the Curious Mind Cambridge University Press
[en] Self-Consciousness and the Critique of the Subject Columbia University Press
[pt] Direito Sumular Esquematizado – TST Saraiva
[en] Pseudoscience MIT Press
[pt] [Coleção Saberes do Direito 30] • Direito empresarial IV Editora Saraiva
[en] [Gutenberg 36288] • The Plurality of Worlds University of Chicago Press
[en] [Gutenberg 26776] • A philosophia da natureza dos naturalistas Quality Classics
[en] [Gutenberg 31794] • Naturalism And Religion Kessinger Publishing
[en] Godless: The Church of Liberalism Random House Digital, Inc.
[en] Genealogies of Speculation Bloomsbury
[en] Foucault's Futures: A Critique of Reproductive Reason ColumbiaUP
[en] That's Not Fair!: Progressivism and the Politics of Envy HarperCollins