[en] Confessions of a Hungry Woman Struik Lifestyle
[en] Return to Corriebush Struik Lifestyle
[en] Tastes of Africa Jacana Media
[en] [Proud to be a Vampire 01] • Bloody Kiss Less Than Three Press LLC
[en] Up the Agency St. Martin's Griffin
[es] Trilogía Sabor Ediciones Pàmies
[en] Sweet Peach: A Little Taste of Sin (Book 1) Lorrain Allen
[de] Love in the City · Herzklopfen in der Oxford Street dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] You touched my Heart dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Selfie mit Zuckerguss (New Adult, Chick Lit, Liebe) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[de] Home Run zu dir (Baseball Love 7) dp DIGITAL PUBLISHERS
[en] [The MIT Press Essential Knowledge 01] • Food MIT Press
[en] Real Food for Rookies · Healthy Cooking - Traditional Food - Vibrant Health House of Bread Books
[pt] Phantastes - a Terra Das Fadas Editora Dracaena
[en] Halloween Cookbook Halloween Party Recipes AKAMite Publishing
[en] Taste the Little Karoo Struik Lifestyle
[en] Beer Safari – a Journey Through Craft Breweries of South Africa Penguin Random House South Africa
[en] Easy, Simple and Delicious Struik Lifestyle
[en] African Brew Penguin Random House South Africa
[en] [Library of Scottish Philosophy 01] • Art and Enlightenment Imprint Academic