Found 110 books

[en] Psychotherapy Shambhala

Marie-Louise von Franz

[en] The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy Basic Books

Yalom, Irvin D. & Leszcz, Molyn

[en] Learning ACT for Group Treatment Context Press

Westrup, Darrah & Wright, M. Joann

[it] Psicoterapia Esistenziale Neri Pozza

Yalom, Irvin D.

[en] Emotion Efficacy Therapy Context Press

McKay, Matthew & West, Aprilia

[it] La Voce Del Corpo. Il Ruolo Del Corpo in Psicoterapia Casa editrice Astrolabio - Ubaldini Editore

Lowen, Alexander

[en] Passport to the Cosmos White Crow Books

[en] Coming Back · A Psychiatrist Explores Past Life Journeys Createspace Independent Publishing Platform

Moody, Raymond A. & Perry, Paul