Abercrombie & Fitch, 135

Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 187


      Empedocles and, 308, 309, 310

      sexuality and, 12, 16, 18–22, 29, 39–42, 43, 130–33, 175, 202–3, 204, 253, 255, 287–90

afterlife. See also The Damned Cast into Hell

      Etruscans, 137–40

      funerals and, 38–40, 159, 169, 176–77, 179–81, 199, 226–27, 278

      hell, 137, 147, 148, 149

      purgatory, 27, 137, 138, 139

      Roman Catholic Church, 137


      anxiety from, 56

      standing up to, 33

Aimez-vous Brahms? (Sagan), 288

À la recherche du temps perdu (Proust), 225

Albers, Anni, 99

      Gothic architecture and, 50

      with Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, 119, 228, 290

      on Kandinsky, 178

      Klee and, 221

Albers, Josef, 99, 120

      Duccio and, 58

      with emotions and retinal perception, 24

      Gothic architecture and, 50

      with Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, 119, 228, 290

      Klee and, 221

      legacy, 228

Alexander the Great, 122

Alexander VI (Pope) (Borgia, Roderigo)

      as Antichrist, 206–7

      with papal crime wave, 89–90

Alfred A. Knopf, 292

Alice, Mary, 94

American Communist Party, 183, 185, 186

Andrea (tour guide), 79–81, 156

Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 103–4

androgyny, 85–86

Anschluss, 101

Antichrist. See also Deeds of the Antichrist

      Alexander VI as, 206–7

      androgyny and, 85–86

      Christ and, 62–63, 83

      connotations, 62–63

      in context, 84–85, 92, 100

      Cruttwell and, 82–85, 100, 123

      devil and, 82, 83, 151

      as “eveil,” 83, 84

      Jews as, 62–63, 92, 109, 123, 194

      papal models for, 89–90, 206–7

      torture and, 86

Antinferno, 147, 148, 149


      assimilation and, 32, 102–3, 316

      Balthus and, 99

      Freud, Jacob, and, 93, 111, 122–23, 128, 167–68

      Freud, Sigmund, and, 63, 92–93, 96, 107–9, 122–25, 128, 167–68

      immigration and, 267

      maleness and, 23, 24, 31–32

      memory loss and, 23, 33

      Montgomery and, 114–19, 121

      repression and, 97–99, 111–19

      responses to, 31–33, 35–37, 102, 117–19, 121, 122–23, 124–25, 128, 166


      aggression from, 56

      with art, power of, 90, 137, 164

      choice and, 193, 194

      memory loss and, 85, 313–14


      Gothic, 49–50, 149

      Orvieto cathedral, 49, 50–51, 52

      van der Rohe and, 113

Aristotle, 222


      copies, 48, 246–47, 258

      Illustration and, 163

      influence of, 14–15, 24–25, 28, 75–77, 137

      inside Cappella Nova, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66

      memory loss and, 27–28, 84, 85

      power of, 84, 90, 137, 164, 219–20, 259–60, 272, 308, 314

      psychoanalysis and, 247

      role of, 28–29, 113, 240, 272

      sexual attraction in, 155, 205, 220, 300

      Yale University Art Gallery, 114, 119

      Yeats on, 318


      anti-Semitism and, 32, 102–3, 316

      Jews and, 23, 32–33, 101–3, 316

      names and, 103, 199–200


      art and sexual, 155, 205, 220, 300

      beauty and, 113, 319

      power of, 131, 290, 317

Auerbach, Esther, 199–200

Auschwitz, 98

An Autobiographical Study (Freud, S.), 153–54

awareness, blindness and, 84

Balthus, 29, 58, 98, 99, 131, 299

Barca, Hamilcar

      Barca, Hannibal, and, 167–68, 171, 196

      legacy, 169, 173

      role of, 194, 197, 203, 207

Barca, Hannibal, 169, 170

      Barca, Hamilcar, and, 167–68, 171, 196

      legacy, 165–66, 171–72

      role of, 194, 203, 207

Barca, Hasdrubal, 170, 172

Barca, Mago, 172

Bardot, Brigitte, 307

Barr, Alfred, 99

beauty, 113, 319

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 56, 113

beheadings, 67, 84

Bell, George, 88

Benedict (Saint), 67, 68

Berenson, Bernard, 88, 89, 150, 156

      with Jewish identity, 316

      on Michelangelo, 163

      Nude and, 162–63, 315

      on Signorelli, Luca, 69–70, 161, 162–63, 315–16

Berenson, Mary (Costelloe, Mary), 88, 89

Bergman, Ingrid, 288

Bernays, El, 294

Bernays, Isaac, 100

Bernays, Martha. See Freud, Martha

Bernays, Minna, 287, 293–95, 296, 297

Bernier, Rosamond, 174

bias, sexuality and, 88, 89

Birmingham, Stephen, 267

bisexuality, 224

      castration and, 255

      as innate, 153–54, 312

      “reflex nasal neuroses” theory and, 274

Black Diaries (Casement), 318

Black Mountain College, 228

Black Panthers, 111–12, 113


      with awareness and denial, 84

      repression and, 225, 226, 227, 228, 293

bolshevism, 108

Boltraffio, Giovanni Antonio, 277, 280, 282

Bonaparte, Marie, 106

Bonaparte, Napoléon, 122

The Book of Daniel (Doctorow), 187

Borgia, Cesare, 89–90

Borgia, Roderigo. See Alexander VI

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 43, 44, 283

Botticelli, Sandro, 275, 276, 280, 282

Bradley, Blissie, 96

Bradley, Pooh, 96

Bramante Chapel, 58

Breuer, Josef, 12

Brill, A. A., 167, 173, 282, 283

The Brothers Karamazov (Dostoevsky), 254

Burke, Edmund, 311

Burlingham, Dorothy, 106

Bussy, Dorothy, 224–25

Cabitman, Andy, 115, 117–18

Cadmus, Paul, 208

Café Society Uptown, 202

Calder, Alexander, 98

Calvin Klein, 135

Camp Killooleet, 189–90

Cappella Nova. See Orvieto cathedral

The Card Players (Cézanne), 300

Carpaccio, Vittore, 58

Casement, Roger, 318

castration, 227

      death and, 285

      fears, 255, 256, 286

Catholics, 94–95. See also Roman Catholic Church

The Central Painters of the Renaissance (Berenson, B.), 161

Cézanne, Paul, 57, 300–301, 307

Character and Anal Eroticism (Freud, S.), 151, 153

Charles I (King), 240, 241

Charles II (King), 240

choice, anxiety and, 193, 194

Christ, 95. See also Deeds of the Antichrist

      Antichrist and, 62–63, 83

      devil and, 79–81, 82

      Titian and, 260, 261, 262–63, 264, 265, 267, 270–71

Churchill, Winston, 311, 317

Cicero, 172

Civil Rights Movement, 111–12

Clark, Kenneth, 259

“close the eyes,” dream interpretation, 38–39

colonial oppression, 318

combat, soldiers in, 84, 169

communism, 95, 108

      American Communist Party, 183, 185, 186

      disillusionment with, 188–89

      House Committee on Un-American Activities, 187, 190

Composition (No. IV) Blanc-Bleu (Mondrian), 75

confessions, under torture, 140

consciousness, and verbal language, 314

contracts. See work contracts

copies, art, 48, 246–47, 258

Costelloe, Mary. See Berenson, Mary

Court of Pan (Signorelli, L.), 69

Le Crépuscule d’une idole (Onfray), 108

crime. See papal crime wave

Crime and Punishment (Dostoevsky), 252

Cromwell, Oliver, 122, 244

Crosby, Sumner, 120

Cruttwell, Maud (Wilson, Alice), 56, 60, 135, 150, 157

      Antichrist and, 82–85, 100, 123

      Donatello and, 126–33

      legacy, 88

      with name misspelled, 87, 303

      sexuality and bias, 88, 89

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 133–34

da Forlì, Melozzo, 161

The Damned Cast into Hell (Signorelli, L.), 137

      Antinferno, 147, 148, 149

      detail, 27, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 145

      devil and, 140–45

      devil and victim, 151–53, 152

      as homosexual pornography, 54, 55, 300

      maleness and, 135

Dante, 147

Darwin, Charles, 313–14, 315

Darwin, Erasmus, 313

David (Donatello), 127

David (Michelangelo), 127

da Vinci, Leonardo, 47, 57, 160–61, 249

death. See also afterlife

      Auschwitz and, 98

      castration and, 285

      fathers and sons with, 38–40, 158–59, 179–80, 182

      fears, 12, 254

      Freud, Sigmund, 140

      funerals, 38–40, 159, 169, 176–77, 179–81, 199, 226–27, 278

      Karpe, Marietta, 210–11

      sex and, 14, 43, 45, 47, 55, 137, 217–18, 282, 283, 291, 319

      suicide, 45, 224, 256, 284

Dechert, Defert, 306

de Closets, Sophie, 296

Deeds of the Antichrist (Signorelli, L.)

      Antichrist, 82–85

      detail, 59, 76, 78, 86

      devil and Antichrist, 82, 83, 151

      devil and Christ, 79–81, 82

      doctor-patient relationship and, 79–81

      Fra Angelico in, 61, 64–65, 71, 74, 75

      power of, 84

      Signorelli self-portrait in, 60–65, 61, 74, 75

de Kooning, Willem, 54

della Francesca, Piero, 56–57, 58, 69, 144, 157, 161

della Robbias, Luca, 88

Demons (Dostoevsky), 252

demonstrations. See student demonstrations

Demuth, Charles, 208

denial, blindness and, 84. See also repression

“denuded metonymy,” 285

Desclos, Anne, 299

devil. See also Deeds of the Antichrist

      Antichrist and, 82, 83, 151

      Christ and, 79–81, 82

      as father, sensual, 151, 153

      possession by, 140

      Roman Catholic Church and, 156

      sexuality and, 140, 148, 149

      torture and, 141, 142, 143, 144

      victim and, 151–53, 152

      women and, 145, 146

Dewavrin, Patrick, 253

Dewey, Kippy, 289

Dewey, Talbot, 289

Dewing, Chip, 95

di Cambio, Arnolfo, 49

di Cecco, Giovanni, 50


      education with racism and, 32, 36, 102, 231, 269–70

      homosexuality and, 232

      Judaism and, 93

displacement, 93–94

Doctorow, E. L., 187

doctor-patient relationship. See psychoanalysis

domesticity, maleness and, 80

Donatello, 182

      Cruttwell and, 126–33

      Michelangelo and, 127–28

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 127–30, 133

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 252–57

“Dostoevsky and Parricide” (Freud, S.), 252, 254, 256–57

dreams, 165–67, 173

      “close the eyes” interpretation of, 38–39

      after funerals, 176–77, 278

Dreier, Bobbie, 228

Duccio, 50, 58

du Pont, Henry, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121

Eastman, Lee, 119

Eastman, Monique, 119


      racism in, 32, 36, 102, 231, 269–70

      student demonstrations, 112

eels, sex distinctions, 220–22

Einstein, Albert, 233

Electra Complex, 146

The Elect (Signorelli, L.), 93

      detail, 213, 214, 216

      maleness and, 212, 214–18


      aggression, 33, 56

      anxiety, 56, 85, 90, 137, 164, 193, 194, 313–14

      guilt, 18, 35, 63, 91, 109, 146, 147, 169, 190, 206, 252, 287, 294, 310, 314

      names and, 77–78

      retinal perception and, 24

Empedocles, 308, 309, 310

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 56

epilepsy, 252–53

Erasmus, 244

Etruscans, with afterlife, 137–40

“eveil” (evil), 83, 84

“evil passions,” 205


      blindness, 84, 225, 226, 227, 228, 293

      “close the eyes” interpretation of dreams, 38–39

      emotions and retinal perception, 24

      opening, 228–29

      visual power of, 297–98


      with death, 38–40, 158–59, 179–80, 182

      devil as sensual, 151, 153

      funerals and, 38–40, 159, 169, 176–77, 179–81, 199, 226–27, 278

      with maleness, 35

      patricide and, 108

      repression and, 255–56

      sons and, 31, 35, 41, 122–23, 124–25, 128, 145–46, 151, 153–54, 167–68, 170–71, 178, 181–92, 194–97, 201, 207, 253

Faulkner Swift, Katharine, 102

FBI, 188


      castration, 255, 256, 286

      death, 12, 254

Feldman, Abraham J. (Rabbi), 305–7

fiction, names in, 78

First Punic War, 168, 171

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 93

Flagellation (Signorelli, L.), 70, 71, 156

Flaminius, 171–72

Fliess, Wilhelm, 12

      letters from Freud, Sigmund, 13, 39–41, 58, 59, 90, 140, 176–77, 206, 273–79, 295

      “reflex nasal neuroses” theory and, 274

Flinck, Susie

      assimilation and, 32–33, 101–3

      with emotions and names, 78

      influence of, 175, 202–3, 289–90

      Protestants and, 101–2

      sexuality and, 18–22, 39–42, 175, 202–3, 204, 253, 255, 287–90

Fluss, Emil, 105–8

Fluss, Gisela, 105

Fox Press, 191

Fra Angelico

      legacy, 65, 67, 207

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 61, 64–65, 71, 74, 75

      style, 66

      work contract, 65

free association, 198, 291

Freud, Amalia (mother) (Nathansohn, Amalia), 100, 170

Freud, Anna (daughter), 17, 103–4, 106, 304

Freud, Anna (sister), 294

Freud, Ernst (son), 105, 106

Freud, Jacob (father), 31, 35, 105, 147, 203

      anti-Semitism and, 93, 111, 122–23, 128, 167–68

      funeral for, 38–40, 159, 177, 179–81, 199, 226–27

      Judaism and, 100

      Sartre and, 194–97

Freud, Julius (brother), 109–10, 170

Freud, Martha (wife) (Bernays, Martha), 28, 44

      Judaism and, 100–101

      letter from Freud, Sigmund, 48–49, 90, 104, 105, 123–24, 211, 239–42, 248–49, 259, 261, 272, 294, 296–97

Freud, Martin (son), 31, 33, 35, 101, 124, 166

Freud, Oliver (son), 124

Freud, Sigmund

      anti-Semitism and, 63, 92–93, 96, 107–9, 122–25, 128, 167–68

      appearance, external, 236–37, 238

      An Autobiographical Study, 153–54

      Bernays, Minna, and, 287, 293–95, 296, 297

      Character and Anal Eroticism, 151, 153

      criticism of, 39–40

      death, 140

      on Dostoevsky, 254–57

      “Dostoevsky and Parricide,” 252, 254, 256–57

      with eels and sex distinctions, research, 220–22

      family, 170

      health of, 234–36

      with identity, Jewish, 125

      The Interpretation of Dreams, 39, 165–66, 167, 173

      Judaism and, 100–101, 104

      letters to Fliess, 13, 39–41, 58, 59, 90, 140, 176–77, 206, 273–79, 295

      letters to Freud, Martha, 48–49, 90, 104, 105, 123–24, 211, 239–42, 248–49, 259, 261, 272, 294, 296–97

      letters to Silberstein, 222–23

      letter to Fluss, Emil, 105–8

      letter to Pfister, 100

      mental virtuosity of, 237–38

      Moses and Monotheism, 108, 209

      “The Moses of Michelangelo,” 218–20, 246

      portrait, 30

      The Psychopathology of Everyday Life, 14, 44, 46, 59, 230, 280

      Roman Catholic Church and, 101, 103–5, 109–10

      Totem and Taboo, 101

“Freud and the Mighty Warrior” (Warner), 124

“The Freudian Unconscious and Ours,” 285

The Freud Scenario (Sartre), 226–27

Freyhau, Herr, 12, 275–76, 280

Frick Collection, 244


      dreams after, 176–77, 278

      of Freud, Jacob, 38–40, 159, 177, 179–81, 199, 226–27

      in Roman Empire, 169

Garigola, Lou, 191

Garvan Collection, 114

Gaugin, Paul, 307

Gay, Peter, 296

Gerassi, John, 193

Gide, André, 224–26

Gide, Madeleine, 224

Giotto, 57, 58, 160, 161, 162, 166

Goodby, Again (film), 288

Gothic architecture, 49–50, 149

Les Grands Artistes, Collection d’Enseignement et de Vulgarisation (Great Artists, Collection of Instruction and Popularization), 267

Grigorievna, Anna, 252

group sex, 313

Guernica (Picasso), 207

Guest, Edgar, 186–87

guilt, 169, 310

      repression and, 252, 287, 314

      role of, 18, 35, 63, 109, 146, 147, 206, 294

      torture as self-imposed, 91, 190

Hamel, Maurice, 267

Hammond Daly, John (Mr. and Mrs.), 94

Hannibal. See Barca, Hannibal

Hasdrubal the Fair, 169, 171

health, 156

      of Freud, Sigmund, 234–36

      of Solnit, 235

hell. See also The Damned Cast into Hell

      Antinferno, 147, 148, 149

      purgatory and, 27, 137, 138, 139

      torture and, 137

Hellman, Lillian, 187

Hemingway, Ernest, 17

Hitler, Adolf, 92, 108, 188, 253

Hogarth Press, 224

Holbein, Hans, 28, 242, 243–44, 245, 247

Holty, Carl, 202

Holy Inquisition, 155–56

homoeroticism, 69–73

homosexuality, 231

      discrimination and, 232

      pornography, homosexual, 54, 55, 300

      views on, 284, 311–12, 318

House Committee on Un-American Activities, 187, 190

Houston Museum of Fine Arts, 66

Howe, Tuggy, 95

Huston, John, 193, 194

hysteria, origins of, 31, 140


      assimilation and, 23, 32–33, 101–3, 199–200, 316

      Jews and, 99, 125, 316

Ideta, Setsuko, 58

Illustration, 163, 316

immigration, anti-Semitism and, 267

Inferno. See Antinferno; The Damned Cast into Hell

Inferno (Dante), 147

Innocent VIII (Pope), 156

International Herald Tribune, 296

International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 106

The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud, S.), 39, 165–66, 167, 173

The Israel Annals of Psychiatry and Related Disciplines (Karpe, M., and Karpe, R.), 26

Italian Gothic architecture, 49–50

James, Henry, 41

James II (King), 240

Jesus. See Christ

Jews, 88. See also anti-Semitism

      as Antichrist, 62–63, 92, 109, 123, 194

      assimilation and, 23, 32–33, 101–3, 316

      Catholics and, 94–95

      education quotas for, 32, 36, 102

      identity and, 99, 125, 316

      Judaism and, 91, 93, 100–101, 104, 181, 188

      as money lenders, 86, 264–67

      as outsiders, 93–94

      stereotypes of, 86, 99, 264–67

Johnson, Philip, 231

Jones, Ernest, 106

Josef and Anni Albers Foundation, 119, 228, 290


      discrimination and, 93

      Orthodox, 179, 188, 316

      role of, 91, 100–101, 181

      superstition and, 101, 104

Jung, Carl Gustav, 287

Kandinsky, Wassily, 178

Karpe, Jane, 307

Karpe, Marietta, 17–18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26

      on anti-Semitism, 23, 24, 31–32, 33, 35, 37, 92

      death of, 210–11

      influence of, 28, 41–42

      with names misspelled, 87, 303

      on psychoanalysis, 210

      repression of names and, 204–6

      on sex and death, 47

      on Signorelli, Luca, 48, 56

      source material for, 44, 88–89, 127–28, 157

Karpe, Richard, 17–18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 26

      on anti-Semitism, 23, 24, 31–32, 33, 35, 37, 92

      influence of, 28, 41–42

      with names misspelled, 87, 303

      on psychoanalysis, 210

      repression of names and, 204–6

      on sex and death, 47

      on Signorelli, Luca, 48, 56

      source material for, 44, 88–89, 127–28, 157

Kaufman, Sidney, 199

Kazan, Elia, 189–90, 270

Kazan, Judy, 189–90

Khan, Masud, 106

Kirstein, Lincoln, 231

Klee, Paul, 221, 223, 272

Klossowski, Pierre, 99

Kramer, Heinrich, 155–56

Krasner, Lee, 202

Lacan, Jacques, 14, 285–86


      consciousness and verbal, 314

      “denuded metonymy” and, 285

      obtuse, 282

      plain, 311

Last Judgment (Fra Angelico), 66

The Last Judgment (Maitani), 149, 149

The Last Judgment (Signorelli, L.)

      anti-Semitism and, 23

      The Damned Cast into Hell, 27, 54, 55, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140–45, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151–53, 152, 300

      Deeds of the Antichrist, 59, 60–65, 61, 71, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79–85, 86, 151

      The Elect, 93, 212, 213, 214, 214–18, 216

      influence of, 11, 12–14, 16, 18, 33, 90–91, 158

      The Resurrection of the Flesh, 129, 130, 132, 139

      scenes depicted in, 26–27, 34

Lauren, Ralph, 23

Laurens, Henri, 267

Lavinio, Sal, 227

Learsy, Bill, 103

Le Corbusier, 50, 113, 132

Lermolieff, Ivan, 246

lesbians, 88, 218, 224


      to Fliess from Freud, Sigmund, 13, 39–41, 58, 59, 90, 140, 176–77, 206, 273–79, 295

      to Fluss, Emil, from Freud, Sigmund, 105–8

      to Freud, Martha, from Freud, Sigmund, 48–49, 90, 104, 105, 123–24, 211, 239–42, 248–49, 259, 261, 272, 294, 296–97

      to Pfister from Freud, Sigmund, 100

      to Pound from Yeats, 318

      to Silberstein from Freud, Sigmund, 222–23

Life of St. Benedict: How Benedict Recognizes and Receives Totila (Signorelli, L.), 68

Life of St. Benedict: How Benedict Reproves the Brother of the Monk Valerian (Signorelli, L.), 68

Life of the Virgin (Signorelli, L.), 159

Lippi, Filippino, 160

Lives of the Artists (Vasari), 157, 158

Livy, 171

Lolita (fictional character), 78

Lord, Pauline, 121

Lord, Ruth, 120–21

Louvre, 67, 182, 249

Lozorec’h, Brigitte, 299

Lucy (housekeeper), 190, 191–92

Lueger, Karl, 92, 111, 206

Maillol, Aristide, 142

de Maintenon (Madame), 88

Maitani, Lorenzo, 149, 149–50

Malatesta, Sigismundo, 182


      anti-Semitism and, 23, 24, 31–32

      domesticity and, 80

      The Elect and, 212, 214–18

      fathers and sons with, 35

      influences on, 42, 312

      violence and, 135, 136, 137

Maleus Maleficarum (Kramer and Sprenger), 155–56

Manners, Andrea, 267

Mantegna, Andrea, 58, 88, 160

Marquand, J. P., 93

Martyrdom of St. Sebastien (Signorelli, L.), 70–71, 72, 156

Marxism, 108

Mary Magdalene (Donatello), 127

Masaccio, 58, 161, 162

Massena, Andre, 122

Matisse, Henri, 57

McCarthy, Eugene, 95, 187, 188

McLellan, Dugald, 67, 73, 217, 309–10

Medici family, 69, 180

memory loss. See also parapraxis

      anti-Semitism and, 23, 33

      anxiety and, 85, 313–14

      art and, 27–28, 84, 85

      with death and sex, 45

      reasons for, 122

      repression and, 12–13, 14, 46, 60, 106–7, 225, 226

Men’s Health, 156

The Mental Healers (Zweig), 233

metonymy, 285

Meyer zum Hazen, Jacob, 245

Michelangelo, 57, 58, 218, 219–20. See also “The Moses of Michelangelo”

      Donatello and, 127–28

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 34, 47, 128, 158, 163, 315

Miller, Henry, 17

Minor, Allen, 36–37

Minor, Charles, 36–37

Minos (“the infernal judge”), 148, 149

misspelling, of names, 87, 303, 305

Mona Lisa (da Vinci), 249

Mondrian, Piet, 75, 76, 113, 202, 315

      money lenders, 86, 264–67. See also The Tribute Money

Montgomery, Charles

      anti-Semitism and, 114–19, 121

      legacy, 120, 121

More, Thomas, 244

Morelli (Italian physician), 246–47

Moses and Monotheism (Freud, S.), 108, 209

“The Moses of Michelangelo” (Freud, S.), 218–20, 246

Mother and Child (Titian), 271

murders, unsolved, 90

Nabokov, Vladimir, 78


      assimilation and, 103, 199–200

      emotions and, 77–78

      in fiction, 78

      misspelling of, 87, 303, 305

      parallelism, 46, 89, 151, 212, 277, 313

      repression of, 46, 62, 78, 204–6, 234, 257, 275–77, 280, 281–84

Nathansohn, Amalia. See Freud, Amalia

national socialism, 108

Nazis, 98, 101, 210

Neutrals, 147

New Testament, 264–65

The New York Times Book Review, 190

New York City Ballet, 231

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 233, 286

Nixon, Richard, 112

Nude, 162–63, 315. See also Two Nude Youths and Man, Woman, and Child

“Observations on the Form and Finer Structures of the Lobular Organs of the Eel, Organs Considered to be the Testes” (Freud, S.), 220–21

Oedipus Complex

      bisexuality and, 153–54

      role of, 145, 151, 255–56

      theories, 31, 40–41, 253

O’Hara, John, 17

Ohly, Nick, 277

“Olivia” (Bussy), 224–25

Onassis, Jackie, 113, 174–75

Onfray, Michel, 108

opening, eyes, 228–29

oppression. See colonial oppression

“The Origins of Peter Pan” (Karpe, M.), 210

Origo, Iris, 316, 317

Orthodox Judaism, 179, 188, 316

Orvieto cathedral, 149, 286

      architecture, 49, 50–51, 52

      Cappella Nova inside, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 66

      facade, 51, 52

Osborn, Elodie, 98–99

Osborn, Robert, 98–99

Our Crowd (Birmingham), 267

outsiders, Jews as, 93–94

Owens, Margaret, 285

Pan (god), 236

Panofsky, Erwin, 259

pansexualist, 235, 236, 312

papal crime wave, 89–90

paradise, sex and, 217

parallelism, with names, 46, 89, 151, 212, 277, 313

parapraxis, 13, 62

      reasons for, 45, 85, 210, 220, 287

      role of, 15, 23, 32, 34, 203, 209, 229, 256, 292

Parker, Dorothy, 186–87

Parkinson, Augusta, 94

Parkinson, Thorston, 96


      with doctor-patient relationship, 12, 80–81, 235, 245, 276, 277, 279, 289, 291–92, 304–5

      suicide and, 45, 256, 284

patricide, 108

Pauvert, Jean-Jacques, 299–300, 301

penance, in purgatory, 137

Perkins, Tony, 288

Perugino, Pietro, 67, 160

Pevear, Richard, 252

Pfister, Oskar, 100

Pharisee, 264–68, 271

Phormio (philosopher), 172

Picasso, Pablo, 57, 127, 207

Pierce, Prish, 120–21

Pisano, Giovanni, 50

Playboy, 156

Pollaiuolo, Piero del, 88

Pollock, Jackson, 54, 291

Polycrates, 235

Poor Cousins (Manners), 267

possession, theory of, 140

Pound, Ezra, 318


      of art, 84, 90, 137, 164, 219–20, 259–60, 272, 308, 314

      of attraction, 131, 290, 317

      eyes with visual, 297–98

Protestants, 32, 95, 96, 101–2, 289

Proust, Marcel, 224, 225

psychoanalysis, 100, 106

      art and, 247

      doctor-patient relationship, 12, 79–81, 235, 245, 276, 277, 279, 289, 291–92, 304–5

      free association and, 198, 291

      Morelli and, 247

      origins, 210, 211

      theoretical structure of, 154

The Psychoanalytic Review, 210

The Psychopathology of Everyday Life (Freud, S.), 14, 44, 46, 59, 230, 280

purgatory, 139. See also The Damned Cast into Hell

      penance in, 137

      violence of, 27, 138

racism. See also anti-Semitism

      Civil Rights Movement and, 111–12

      education with discrimination and, 32, 36, 102, 231, 269–70

      violence and, 191

rape, 146

Raphael. See also Sistine Madonna

      Dostoevsky and, 252

      influence, 28, 57, 90, 211, 242, 243, 312

“reflex nasal neuroses” theory, 274


      anti-Semitism and, 97–99, 111–19

      blindness and, 225, 226, 227, 228, 293

      denial and, 84

      guilt and, 252, 287, 314

      memory loss and, 12–13, 14, 46, 60, 106–7, 225, 226

      of names, 46, 62, 78, 204–6, 234, 257, 275–77, 280, 281–84

      sexuality and, 155, 208

      sons and fathers, 255–56

The Resurrection of the Flesh (Signorelli, L.), 129, 130, 132, 139

retinal perception, emotions and, 24

Ricky (best friend), 94–95, 268–69, 305

Rilke, Rainer Maria, 103

River Tiber, 90

Robbins, Jerome, 190

Rockefeller, Nelson, 95

Rokeby Venue (Velázquez), 155

Roman Catholic Church

      afterlife, 137

      Alexander VI and, 89–90, 206–7

      Catholics, 94–95

      devil and, 156

      Freud, Sigmund, and, 101, 103–5, 109–10

      Holy Inquisition, 155–56

      Innocent VIII and, 156

      papal crime wave, 89–90

      papal models as Antichrist, 89–90, 206–7

      Spanish Inquisition, 92

      Vatican, 65, 69

      with violence, 89–90, 92, 155–56

Roman Empire

      Barca, Hamilcar, and, 167–69, 171, 173

      Barca, Hannibal, and, 165–72

      First Punic War, 168, 171

      Second Punic War, 172

      with taxes, 264–65

Rosenberg, Ethel, 187

Rosenberg, Julius, 187

Roth, Philip, 29

Rubenstein, Marc, 120

Russell, Bertrand, 88

Russell, Caroline, 174

Russell, John, 174

Sade, Marquis de, 299

Sagan, Françoise, 288

Santa Croce Church, 49

Santa Maria Novella, 50

Sarburgh, Bartholomäus, 245

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 193–97, 226–29

Savonarola, Girolamo, 89

Schapiro, Meyer, 126, 259

Schiller, Friedrich, 234

schizophrenia, 209

Schlossmuseum Darmstadt, 245

Scott, Hazel, 202

Scully, Vincent, 112, 113

Seale, Bobby, 111–12, 113

Second Punic War, 172

Seeger, Ellie, 189

Seeger, John, 189

Seeger, Pete, 189

Seurat, Georges, 112


      death and, 14, 43, 45, 47, 55, 137, 217–18, 282, 283, 291, 319

      eels and sex distinctions, 222

      group sex, 313

      Nude and, 162

      paradise and, 217

      rape and, 146

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 47, 156

      torture and, 153

      Turks and, 43, 44, 45, 256, 281, 313, 314

sexual attraction, in art, 155, 205, 220, 300


      adolescence and, 12, 16, 18–22, 29, 39–42, 43, 130–33, 175, 202–3, 204, 253, 255, 287–90

      bias and, 88, 89

      bisexuality, 153–54, 224, 255, 274, 312

      devil and, 140, 148, 149

      with devil as sensual father, 151, 153

      homoeroticism and, 69–73

      homosexuality, 54, 55, 231, 232, 284, 300, 311–12, 318

      homosexual pornography, 54, 55, 300

      lesbians, 88, 218, 224

      pansexualist, 235, 236, 312

      repression and, 155, 208

      suicide and, 45, 284

Shakespeare, William, 113, 254

Shaw, Irwin, 17

Shestack, Alan, 119–20

sig, 46, 89, 151, 212, 277, 285, 313

“The Significance of Freud’s Trip to Orvieto” (Karpe, R., and Karpe, M.), 17, 31

Signorelli, Antonio (father), 160

Signorelli, Luca, 32, 41, 43, 68. See also The Last Judgment

      Berenson, Bernard, on, 69–70, 161, 162–63, 315–16

      career, 67, 69, 158–59

      Court of Pan, 69

      criticism of, 315–16

      Cruttwell and, 133–34

      Donatello and, 127–30, 133

      family, 157–58

      Flagellation, 70, 71, 156

      Fra Angelico and, 61, 64–65, 71, 74, 75

      homoeroticism and, 69–73

      influence of, 11, 12–14, 16, 18, 23, 26, 34, 58, 159–61, 300–301

      influences on, 51, 157

      legacy, 158, 160–61, 164, 205

      Martyrdom of St. Sebastien, 70–71, 72, 156

      Michelangelo and, 34, 47, 128, 158, 163, 315

      reproductions, 48

      self-portrait, 60–65, 61, 74, 75

      sex and, 47, 156

      style, 56–57, 69, 133–34, 150, 205, 219–20

      Two Nude Youths and Man, Woman, and Child, 70

      women and, 215–16, 218, 300

      work contract, 73

Silberstein, Edouard, 221, 222–23

Sistine Chapel, 69

Sistine Madonna (Raphael), 250

      Hitler and, 253

      influence of, 90, 242, 243, 248–49, 251–52

skiing, 268–69, 304

Smith, Wilder Fox, 312, 314

socialism, 108

Social Register, 102

soldiers, in combat, 84, 169

Solnit, Albert J.

      with doctor-patient relationship, 80–81, 235, 245, 276, 277, 279, 289, 291–92, 304–5

      health of, 235

      with name misspelled, 305

      role of, 79, 82, 120, 198


      with death, 38–40, 158–59, 179–80, 182

      fathers and, 31, 35, 41, 122–23, 124–25, 128, 145–46, 151, 153–54, 167–68, 170–71, 178, 181–92, 194–97, 201, 207, 253

      funerals and, 38–40, 159, 169, 176–77, 179–81, 199, 226–27, 278

      maleness, 35

      patricide and, 108

      repression and, 255–56

The Soul of Andre Garaine (Karpe, M.), 210

Spanish Inquisition, 92

Sprenger, Jacob, 155–56

Stalin, Joseph, 188, 253

Stein, Stefan, 318

Steinbeck, John, 17

stereotypes, Jews, 86, 99, 264–67

Stevenson, Adlai, 211

The Story of O (Desclos), 299

Strachey, James, 153, 224

Strachey, Lytton, 224

Straus, Florence, 102

student demonstrations, 112

suicide, 45, 224, 256, 284

superstition, Judaism and, 101, 104

syphilis, 187

“talking cure,” 12

taxes, Roman Empire with, 264–65

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich, 53

Tintoretto, 58, 241

Titian, 28, 242

      Christ and, 260, 261, 262–63, 264, 265, 267, 270–71

      influence of, 259, 261

      Pharisee and, 264–68, 271


      Antichrist and, 86

      confessions under, 140

      devil and, 141, 142, 143, 144

      as guilt, self-imposed, 91, 190

      hell and, 137

      sex and, 153

Totem and Taboo (Freud, S.), 101

The Tribute Money (Titian), 259

      Christ and, 260, 261, 262–63, 264, 265, 267, 270–71

      Pharisee and, 264–68, 271

Troupe, Trish, 97

Turks, sex and, 43, 44, 45, 256, 281, 313, 314

Two Nude Youths and Man, Woman, and Child (Signorelli, L.), 70

Tyler, Cheever, 120

University of Vienna, 92

van der Rohe, Ludwig Mies, 113

van der Weyden, Rogier, 95

van Dyck, Anthony, 240–41

van Eyck, Jan, 95, 243

Van Rysselberghe, Elisabeth, 224

Vasari, Giorgio, 150, 157–60, 270

Vasari, Lazzaro, 157

Vatican, 65, 69

Velázquez, Diego, 155

verbal language, consciousness and, 314

Veronese, Paolo, 241


      of colonial oppression, 318

      devil and, 151–53, 152

Vietnam War, 112


      beheadings, 67, 84

      maleness and, 135, 136, 137

      of purgatory, 27, 138

      racism and, 191

      rape, 146

      role of, 207

      Roman Catholic Church with, 89–90, 92, 155–56

      torture, 86, 91, 137, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 153, 190

Virgin and Child (Donatello), 126–27

visual power, 297–98. See also eyes

Vitz, Paul, 104

Volokhonsky, Larissa, 252

Wadsworth Atheneum, 75

Warburg, Bettina, 167

Warburg, Eddie, 231–32

Warburg, James P., 102

Warburg, Kay, 102

Warner, Silas L., 124

Wassermann test, 187

Waxman, Ellie, 307

Weber, Charlotte (daughter), 28, 103, 178, 315

Weber, Katharine (wife)

      anti-Semitism and, 98, 99

      family, 102, 127, 167, 199, 200, 231–32, 289–90, 297, 300

      with Onassis, 174, 175

Weber, Lucy (daughter), 127, 178, 290, 297

Weber, Nancy (sister), 127, 185, 186, 187

Weber, Saul (father), 33, 35, 179–80, 181–82

      Camp Killooleet and, 189–90

      character of, 191–92

      communism and, 183, 185, 186, 188

      family, 199, 203, 256

Weeburn County Club, 32

Weinstein, Herman, 179–80, 256

Wilde, Oscar, 88

Wilson, Alice. See Cruttwell, Maud

Wilson, Victoria, 292–93, 294

Winterthur Museum, 114

women, 70, 159

      androgyny and, 85–86

      devil and, 145, 146

      Signorelli, Luca, and, 215–16, 218, 300

Woolf, Leonard, 224

Woolf, Virginia, 224

work contracts

      Fra Angelico, 65

      Signorelli, Luca, 73

Yale University, 111–20

Yale University Art Gallery, 114, 119

Yeats, William Butler, 317–19

Zilboorg, Gregory, 230–31, 232

Zionism, 316

Zweig, Stefan, 233–38

Zwinger Palace, 240–41, 244, 245, 262