adhesives used to bind wood, 14
air hoses, 142
alder, 12
all-thread (threaded rod), 83
Alliance Table, 62–63
aluminum straightedge guides, 16
Angle Shelf, 172–74
Avocado, 282–85
Bamboo Ply Wall Unit, 296–300
bamboo plywood, 10–11
band saw, cutting curves, 17
Belsey, Katherine, 54, 236, 308
Ribbed Bench, 146–49
Sto#2, 112–117
bending thin plywood, 227
Bentwood Table and Chair, 43
Bespoke Chair, 150
birch face veneers, 11
Birch Ply Dining Table, 44–47
book matching, 9
Book of Plies, 225–27
Bowlegged Plant Stand, 89–91
Bubbles (Desk & Drinks Trolley), 34–36
Bug Stool, 118–21
Built-In Hutch, 210–13
burn marks, 16
Candleholders, 228–29
Cantilever Table, 80–83
Cantilevered Shelves, 208–9
Capsa, 158–62
Caylee Cruiser, 280
Chalk Back, 126–31
Children’s Chair, 136–38
Repair-a-Chair, 246–49
Rubber Hose Chair, 139–42
Symbiosis Chair, 122–25
TAB-1 Chair, 108–111
Telephone Book Chair, 143–45
Three’s Company, 132–35
Chaise, 100
Chalk Back, 126–31
Caylee Cruiser, 280
Children’s Chair, 136–38
Cornhole to Go, 301–6
Dollhouse, 261
Donut Table, 272
explore + store, 291–95
Flywood, 277–79
Jumbo Eames Cards, 259–60
modBOX 2010, 286–90
Old-School Skateboard, 274–76
Tot Cart & Cradle, 267–71
circles, easy ways to cut, 17–19
circular saws, 13–15
how to make a straight cut, 15
CNC (computer numerical control) router, 19
combination-core plywood, 10
compass, homemade version, 16–17
corners, designing, 20
Cornhole to Go, 301–6
cross-graining, 8
crosscuts, 14
Desk Coverlet, 230–31
Bubbles (Desk & Drinks Trolley), 34–36
Lap Desk, 40–42
RTA Desk, 26–30
Doggie Dwelling, 262–66
Doghouse, Indoor, 254–58
Dollhouse, 261
Donut Table, 272
Douglas fir, 9
doweling jigs, 179
dowels as fasteners, 186
drilling guide, 300
Drunken Monkey, 182–83
Dyed MDF Storage Cabinet, 163–67
Eclipse Coffee Table, 84–88
ecofriendliness, 14
concealing, 8
milling with a router, 20
8x4=2 Tables, 31–33
expanding and contracting, 8
explore + store, 291–95
factory edges, 15
fasteners, 186
fence, 16
File Cabinet Cap, 244–45
finishing plywood and MDF, 20
Flat Pack Stool, 106–7
Flip Chair, 214
Florence Table, 22–25
flush-trimming bits, 19
Flywood, 277–79
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), 14
formaldehyde, 14
Forstner bit and drilling jig, 30
Gather, 196–200
glue joints, 88
grading, 9
grain, 8
Groovy Headboard, 240–43
hacksaw, 83
handsaws, 14
Hardwareless Shelf, 192–95
hardwood plywood, 9
hardwoods supplier, 11
hauling plywood, 12–13
Groovy Headboard, 240–43
Light Headboard, 236–39
Herbert, Philipp, 228, 252, 311
hickory, 12
high-density fiberboard, 11
home center, 11
homemade compass, 16–17
Incurvated, 102–5
Indoor Doghouse, 254–58
interior (standard) plywood, 14
jigsaws, 13–14
cutting circles with a trammel, 18–19
cutting curves, 17
Jumbo Eames Cards, 259–60
kerfs, 16
making kerf cuts with a table saw, 105
Kidnetic, 232–35
lamp fittings, 239
Lap Desk, 40–42
Laptop Stand, 180–181
laser cutter, 19
lifting plywood, 12–13
Light Headboard, 236–39
Light Within, 216–18
lumberyard, 11
mailbox, 196–200
Mann, Holly and Kerry, Sr., 272, 312
maple, 12
marine plywood, 13
Masonite, 11
MDF-core plywood, 10
metal, cutting and drilling, 111
milling edges with a router, 20
Mind the Gap Table, 68–72
Mirror Shelves, Sliding, 206–8
modBOX 2010, 286–90
Mudroom Organizer, 201–5
NAF (no added formaldehyde), 14
NAUF (no added urea-formaldehyde), 14
oak, 11–12
Old-School Skateboard, 274–76
One-Sheet Table & Benches, 37–39
OSB (oriented stand board), 11
Paint Chip Modular Bookshelf, 175–179
Paneling, Whitewashed Ply, 222–24
particleboard, 14
patches, 9
Peninsula Workstation, 48–52
pine, 9
Pinstriped Console, 168–71
Plane Table, 64–67
plank matching, 9
Plant Stand, Bowlegged, 89–91
plies, 8
precut panels, 12
Propeller Bowl, 252
putty, 20
reciprocating saw, 83
red oak face veneers, 11
Reluctance Sofa Table, 96–99
Repair-a-Chair, 246–49
Resin Art Panels, 219–221
resin, two-part, 221
Revue Magazine Table, 152–55
Ribbed Bench, 146–49
ripcuts, 14
roundover bits, 20
CNC (computer numerical control), 19
cutting a circle, 18
flush-trimming bits, 19
making templates, 19
milling edges, 20
roundover bits, 20
RTA Desk, 26–30
Rubber Hose Chair, 139–42
band saw, 17
circular saws, 13–15
hacksaw, 83
handsaws, 14
jigsaws, 13–14
reciprocating saw, 83
Schalliol-Hodge, Sara, 282, 314
Schmidt, Philip, 40, 96, 216, 233, 240, 246, 259, 274, 314
scoring a cut line, 14–15
scribing, 248
seating, 101–150
Bug Stool, 118–21
Chalk Back, 126–31
Children’s Chair, 136–38
Flat Pack Stool, 106–7
Incurvated, 102–5
Ribbed Bench, 146–49
Rubber Hose Chair, 139–42
Sto#2, 112–117
Symbiosis Chair, 122–25
TAB-1 Chair, 108–111
Telephone Book Chair, 143–45
Three’s Company, 132–35
Angle Shelf, 172–74
Avocado, 282–85
Bamboo Ply Wall Unit, 296–300
Built-In Hutch, 210–13
Cantilevered Shelves, 208–9
Capsa, 158–62
Hardwareless Shelf, 192–95
Mudroom Organizer, 201–5
Paint Chip Modular Bookshelf, 175–179
Sliding Mirror Shelves, 206–8
Super Shelves, 188–91
sizing standards, 9
slicing, 8
Sliding Mirror Shelves, 206–8
spline joints, 295
splintering, 13–15
Stacked Box, 156–57
Sto#2, 112–117
Bug Stool, 118–21
Flat Pack Stool, 106–7
Incurvated, 102–5
Built-In Hutch, 210–13
Capsa, 158–62
Dyed MDF Storage Cabinet, 163–67
explore + store, 291–95
Hardwareless Shelf, 192–95
modBOX 2010, 286–90
Mudroom Organizer, 201–5
Pinstriped Console, 168–71
Revue Magazine Table, 152–55
Stacked Box, 156–57
Super Shelves, 188–91
Toolboxes, 184–87
storing plywood, 13
straight cuts, how to make, 14, 15–16
straightedge, 15–16
homemade jig, 16
Striated Ply Table, 59–61
Super Shelves, 188–91
Swing Table, 76–79
Symbiosis Chair, 122–25
TAB-1 Chair, 108–111
table saws, 14–15
making kerf cuts, 105
8x4=2 Tables, 31–33
Alliance Table, 62–63
Birch Ply Dining Table, 44–47
Cantilever Table, 80–83
Donut Table, 272
Eclipse Coffee Table, 84–88
Florence Table, 22–25
Mind the Gap Table, 68–72
One-Sheet Table & Benches, 37–39
Peninsula Workstation, 48–52
Pinstriped Console, 168–71
Plane Table, 64–67
Reluctance Sofa Table, 96–99
Revue Magazine Table, 152–55
Striated Ply Table, 59–61
Swing Table, 76–79
Tank Table, 73–75
Tea Table, 92–95
Type A Coffee Table, 54–58
Tank Man, 307
Tank Table, 73–75
Tea Table, 92–95
Telephone Book Chair, 143–45
template routing, 19
threaded rod, 83
Three’s Company, 132–35
Toolboxes, 184–87
large toolbox plan, 187
small toolbox plan, 185
Tot Cart & Cradle, 267–71
track saw, 16
trammel, how to make, 18
Twinkle Board, 250–51
two-part resin, 221
Type A Coffee Table, 54–58
veneer, 8
birch face, 11
matching, 9
red oak face, 11
splintering, 13–15
tape, 20
voids, 9
avoidance, 12
filling along edges before finishing, 20
walnut, 12
where to buy plywood, 11–12
hardwoods supplier, 11
home center, 11
lumberyard, 11
Whitehead, Camden, 163, 222, 315
Whitewashed Ply Paneling, 222–24
wine bottle holder, 182–83
wood putty, 20
wormy maple, 12