
Page numbers in bold refer to pictures

Aperture Priority (A/Av) mode 32, 424, 48, 78, 124, 125

Adams, Ansel: Monolith8, 12

Andres, Holly: Wonder 86, 87

aperture 30, 31, 423, 51, 54, 97, 124, 125 see also depth of field

Aperture Priority mode (A/Av) 32, 423, 44, 48, 78, 1245

Apollo 17: NASA picture of the Earth 112, 113

Asnin, Marc: The Rebbe 12, 13

Auto mode 323

bad photographysee good versus bad photography

Baltz, Lewis: West Wall, Business Systems Division, Pertec 26, 27

beauty, creating 10, 25, 61, 1067, 118

Bourdin, Guy: Charles Jourdan campaign 22, 23

Brandt, Bill: Francis Bacon, Primrose Hill 28, 29

breaking the rules 289

Burri, René: São Paulo, Brazil 92, 93

Burtynsky, Edward: Shipbreaking #31 16, 17

camera shake 30, 39, 48, 50, 52, 124

Campigotto, Luca: Bangkok38, 39

Capa, Robert: Landing of the American troops on Omaha Beach 104, 105

Cartier-Bresson, Henri: The Var department, Hyères, France 10, 11

close-ups 189, 47, 99

composition 829, 62, 69, 89, 92, 99, 118

Constantine, Elaine: Seagull and Chips 80, 81

Dakowicz, Maciej: Sunday 25th June, 2006116, 117

Darzacq, Denis: Hyper No. 3 52, 53

decisive moments 1023

deep depth of field 489

depth of field 439, 97, 99, 125

diCorcia, Philip-Lorca: Head #6 90, 91

Einzig, Melanie: Spring Corner, New York 102, 103

Erwitt, Elliott: Felix, Gladys and Rover 110, 111

exposure 3059, 124 see also light; overexposure; underexposure

exposure compensation 30, 558, 62, 1245

f-stops (f-numbers) 434, 47, 48

fast shutter speeds 35, 401, 50, 52, 97, 102, 124

field of view 84

fill flash 801

flash 33, 64, 74, 7881, 90

focal length 845, 8697

focus 44, 47, 48, 124 see also aperture

foreground interest 10, 167, 69, 89

framing 145, 20, 22, 28 see also working the frame

Frank, Robert: The Americans 120, 121

Friedlander, Lee: Oregon 70, 71

Garcia Rodero, Cristina: Burning Man Festival 14, 15

Godwin, Fay: Callanish after Hailstorm, Lewis 66, 67

Goh, Shikhei: Dew on Me98, 99

good versus bad photography 28, 101, 104, 110, 1124, 120

Haas, Ernst: George Balanchine 36, 37

Hassan, Alkan: Above the City 20, 21

Hatakeyama, Naoya: Blast #8316 401

highlights 56, 58, 62, 64, 6970

Hitchcock, Alfred: Rear Window82, 83

Hunter, Tom: Woman Reading Possession Order60, 61, 74

inbuilt flash 789

intrigue, importance of 69, 109, 11819

ISO 30, 31, 33, 503, 78, 124

JPEG files 125

Kander, Nadav: House under Highway 74, 75, 76

Koo,Youngjun: ‘I’m Koo’ series 96, 97

landscape format 123

landscape photography 16, 48, 66, 89

Lange, Dorothea: Migrant Mother 114, 115

Latif, Inzajeano: Female Boxer #3 122, 123

leading lines 102, 28, 69, 89

Learoyd, Richard: Jemma on Mirror 72, 73 lenses 8299

macro lenses 99

prime (fixed) lenses 84, 94, 967, 99

telephoto lenses 82, 834, 85, 903, 94

wide-angle lenses 849, 94

zoom lenses 84, 94, 97

see also focal length

Levine, Chris: The Lightness of Being100, 101

light 6081, 76, 122

artificial 74, 75, 76, 80

backlighting 556, 58, 80, 125

contrast 62, 69

and exposure 30, 31, 345, 40, 423, 502

hard light 61, 623, 64, 667, 701, 122

and mood 28, 61, 64, 74, 76

natural light 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 76

soft light 61, 645, 689, 723, 122

long focal length 84, 903, 94

macro photography 989

magic of photography 1223

Manual (M) mode 33, 54

McGinley, Ryan: Wes (Gator) 64, 65

metering mode 125

Metson Scott, Jo: Laura Veasey in her Fox Costume 56, 57

Misrach, Richard: Bomb Crater and Destroyed Convoy 48, 49

modes 325, 36, 40, 423, 50, 1245

mood, creating 28, 61, 64, 74, 76

Morgan, Stephen J: Where my Grandfather Drank #1 106, 107

Moriyama, Daido: Untitled 78, 79

night photography 39

‘noise’ 512

overexposure 31, 546, 78

Program (P) mode 32, 33, 54, 78

Parke, Trent: Heinley Street, Adelaide 62, 63

Parr, Martin: Benidorm 18, 19

perfection, dangers of 20, 1045

points of view 10, 1101

portrait format 12

portrait photography 44, 48, 70, 72, 90, 97, 101, 118

Pretty, Adam: Divers 58, 59

Program mode (P) 323, 54, 78

projects, choosing 116, 1201

Quawson, Muzi: ‘Pull Back the Shade’ series 94, 95

RAW files 125

the rule of thirds 223, 28, 69

Shutter Priority (S/Tv) mode 32, 345, 36, 40, 43, 78, 102, 125

Saldado, Sebastião: Dinka Man, Southern Sudan 44, 45

seeing 26, 10023

sensitivity see ISO

sensor size 85

shallow depth of field 447, 97, 99

short focal length 84, 8690, 92, 94

the shot, capturing 19, 102, 104, 112, 1145, 117, 122

Shutter Priority mode (S/Tv) 32, 345, 36, 40, 43, 78, 102, 125

shutter speed 30, 31, 345, 423, 48, 51, 54, 125 see also fast shutter speeds;slow shutter speeds

Sieff, Jeanloup: Lanzarote88, 89

silhouettes 56, 589

Slinkachu: Hide and Seek46, 47

slow shutter speeds 35, 367, 39, 48, 124

Soth, Alec: Sugar’s, Davenport 118, 119

standard focal length 945, 97

Sternfeld, Joel: McLean, Virginia 68, 69

subject matter, choosing 106, 1167, 118, 120

symmetry 201, 99

tripods 39, 48, 124

troubleshooting 1245

Tunbjörk, Lars: 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue 24, 25

underexposure 31, 40, 52, 545, 58, 124

visual weight 267

Weston, Edward: Pepper #30108, 109

white balance 767, 125

working the frame 245 see also framing