Adirondack chairs
Classic Adirondack Chair, 16
design and, 16
paint colors for, 16
Sling-Back Adirondack, 32
adjustable back, 63
adjustable squares, 106
angled platform bridges, 191
Freestanding Arbor, 128
arc cuts, 202
arched bridges, 191
barbecuing, 114
bench grinder, 116
High-low Potting Bench, 134
Knockdown Garden Bench, 26
Recyclables Bench, 52
Slatted Garden Bench, 22
Trestle Table and Benches, 72
bevel cuts, 140
bridges. See garden bridges
butt hinges, 95
cedar, 22
Cedar Patio Table, 80
Classic Adirondack Chair, 16
Luxury Sun Lounger, 58
Side-by-Side Patio Chair, 10
Sling-Back Adirondack, 32
Children’s Picnic Table, 100
Timberframe Sandbox, 118
circular tabletops, 88
Classic Adirondack Chair, 16
clear wood sealer, 16, 21, 22, 25, 69, 99, 127, 132
Cold Frame, Jumbo, 152
composite boards
cutting, 79
working with, 74
Compost Bin, 124
composting, 124
construction adhesive, 108, 112, 151
copper pipes, 147
countertop edging, 113
cup hooks, 137
cypress, 60
composite, 74
options for attaching, 194
deck-support ledges, 190
Adirondack chairs and, 16
around propane tank storage, 114
for sheltered swing, 172
dining. See tables
for garden bridges, 196
for planters, 143
for postholes, 175
for stationary benches, 29
end-post pairs, 181
Patio Prep Cart, 108
Pitmaster’s Locker, 114
See also tables
entryways, 52
eyebolts, 50
fence panels, 126
Firewood Shelter, 164
flat bridges, 190
Folding Table, 92
Four-post Patio Pergola, 178
Freestanding Arbor, 128
garden bridges
building, 193
choosing site for, 192
decking for, 194
designing, 190
dimensions of, 190
handrails for, 195
posts for, 195
scale models of, 196
Simple Garden Bridge, 200
Six-foot Footbridge, 199
styles of, 190
tips for building, 196
undercarriage for, 193
vehicle bridges vs., 192
X-bridge, 198
Compost Bin, 124
High-low Potting Bench, 134
Jumbo Cold Frame, 152
Raised Bed with Removable Trellis, 144
Trellis Planter, 138
Versailles Planter, 148
gliders, 169
garden bridge drainage and, 196
for planter drainage, 143
for postholes, 175
stationary benches and, 29
hacksaws, 116
half-lap joints, 86, 88, 158, 197
chest handles, 57
cup hooks, 137
eyebolts, 50
for folding tables, 94
latches/strikeplates, 111
for pergola, 178
stainless steel, 32
High-low Potting Bench, 134
HVLP sprayers, 44
jointers, 60
Jumbo Cold Frame, 152
kerf edges, chiseling, 30
kids. See children
Knockdown Garden Bench, 26
landscape fabric, 177
lattice, 66
lighting, 158
liquid measurement equivalents, 204
low arched bridges, 191
cedar, 22
cypress, 60
milling, 60
preparing stock, 60
rip-cutting, 12, 34, 41, 54, 58, 62, 75, 94, 140, 151, 160
treated, 100
for undercarriage, 190
See also composite boards
lumber dimensions, 204
Luxury Sun Lounger, 58
metal cutoff saw, 116
metal frames, 114
metric conversions, 204
metric plywood panels, 204
mortise-and-tenon joints, 72, 173
Pagoda Lantern, 158
for Adirondack chairs, 16
for garden bridges, 190
for pagoda lantern, 158
for planters, 151
for porch swing, 40
on recyclables bench, 52, 55, 56
for tables, 92, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102, 107
Patio Chair, Side-by-Side, 10
Patio Prep Cart, 108
Pergola, Four-post Patio, 178
picnic tables
Children’s Picnic Table, 100
Traditional Picnic Table, 104
Pitmaster’s Locker, 114
gravel for drainage, 143
lining, 142
Raised Bed with Removable Trellis, 144
Trellis Planter, 138
Versailles Planter, 148
plastic sheathing
as planter liner, 142
plumb cuts, 12
metric panels, 204
for outdoor use, 116
Porch Swing, 38
Porch Swing Stand, 46
post assemblies, 174
postholes, 175
posts, options for attaching, 195
Potting Bench, High-low, 134
power planers, 60
precast concrete piers, 29
profiled rails, 54
propane tanks, 114
purlins, 185
rabbets, 150
rafters, 185
Raised Bed with Removable Trellis, 144
Recyclables Bench, 52
reverse tapered legs, 84
roofing panels, polycarbonate, 152, 156
Sandbox, Timberframe, 118
saw protractors, 102
scale models of garden bridges, 196
adding to arbor, 133
Classic Adirondack Chair, 16
comfort and, 9
Knockdown Garden Bench, 26
Luxury Sun Lounger, 58
Porch Swing, 38
Porch Swing Stand, 46
Recyclables Bench, 52
Sheltered Swing, 168
Side-by-side Patio Chair, 10
Slatted Garden Bench, 22
Sling-Back Adirondack, 32
Trellis Seat, 66
Sheltered Swing, 168
shoulder cuts, 141
Side-by-Side Patio Chair, 10
Simple Garden Bridge, 200
site preparation
for cold frame, 152
for garden bridges, 196
for sandbox, 118
for sheltered swing, 174
Six-foot Footbridge, 199
slats, spacing, 25
Slatted Garden Bench, 22
Sling-Back Adirondack, 32
speed squares, 48
spreaders, 190
stainless steel screws, 32, 34
stock, preparing, 60
Firewood Shelter, 164
Recyclables Bench, 52
Timberframe Sandbox, 118
comfort and, 38
Porch Swing, 38
Porch Swing Stand, 46
Sheltered Swing, 168
Cedar Patio Table, 80
Children’s Picnic Table, 100
Folding Table, 92
Occasional Table, 96
planter as, 151
Teahouse Table Set, 84
Traditional Picnic Table, 104
Trestle Table and Benches, 72
tapered legs, reverse, 84
Teahouse Table Set, 84
temperature conversions, 204
thermometers for cold frames, 157
cart top installation, 108, 113
as pagoda lantern base, 158, 162
Timberframe Sandbox, 118
Traditional Picnic Table, 104
Trellis Planter, 138
Trellis Seat, 66
Freestanding Arbor, 128
Raised Bed with Removable Trellis, 144
Trellis Planter, 138
Trellis Seat, 66
Trestle Table and Benches, 72
securing, 10
Side-by-Side Patio Chair, 10
undercarriage, 182, 190, 191, 193, 197
vehicle bridges, garden bridges vs., 192
Versailles Planter, 148
wood. See lumber
wood finish/sealer, 16, 21, 22, 25, 44, 69, 99, 127, 132
X-bridge, 198
yard accessories
Firewood Shelter, 164
Four-post Patio Pergola, 178
Freestanding Arbor, 128
Pagoda Lantern, 158
Sheltered Swing, 168
See also garden bridges