Abd al-Samad, 144–49
Abezethibou, 92–93
Abraham, 132
Abyzou, 166–67
Acts of the Apostles, 33
Adam, 5, 125, 130–32
Adarkes, 89–90
Æthelstan, 186
Aladdin, 134–39
Alberic de Mauléon, 299–307
Albertus Magnus, 275, 324n
Alexander ab Alexandro (Alessandro Alessandri), 274, 324n
Alexée Drigie, 275
Allatius, 170
Amasras, 8–9
Amram, 226, 322n
amulets, 3, 57, 163, 168, 239
ancient Christian thought, demons in, xvi, 29–53
ancient Judaism, rebel angels in, xvi, 3–25
Andrew of Fondi, 112–14
“angels of Tartarus,” 29, 48–51
anger, 45
antiphoner, 300, 325n
Antiquities of the Jews (Flavius Josephus), 59–61
Antony, Saint (Anthony the Great), xvi, 99–103, 106, 119
Apocalypse of Paul, 48–51
Apuleius, xv, 42–45, 211
Aquinas, Thomas, 177
Arabian Nights: Tales of 1001 Nights, 134–49
Ark of the Covenant, 57, 62
Armayel the Pious, 244–45
Armenians, 156–57, 160
Arnold, 268–69
Artemis, 73, 167
Asmodeus, 68–69
Athanasius of Alexandria, Life of Antony, 99–103, 106, 119
Augustine of Hippo, xvi, 42, 265–66
Averroës, 275, 324n
Avitus, 39
Azazel, 3, 8–10, 12, 231