A DNS record type, 122
AAAA DNS record type, 122
access control lists (ACLs), 297
accounts, creating, 4–8
ACFS (ASM File System), 242
ACTION commands in instance power management, 174
Active Data Guard (ADG) option, 293, 355
Active Directory in federated OCI, 64
AD attribute in block volumes, 189
ADB. See autonomous database (ADB) systems
Add SSH Key screen, 158
add-vnic command, 175
administration in autonomous database systems, 302–303
ADs. See availability domains (ADs)
ADW (Autonomous Data Warehouse) services, 239–240
vs. ATP, 294
resources, 53
ALIAS DNS record type, 122
Amazon Web Services (AWS), 11
AMD processors for compute shapes, 143
API keys
OCI CLI, 327
Terraform, 334
federated OCI, 64–66
IAM resources, 40
OCIDs for, 47
permissions, 36–38
apply command in HCL, 337–338
archive storage, 21–22
archive tier buckets, 215–217
ASM (Automatic Storage Management), 241–243
ASM File System (ACFS), 242
asynchronous replication, 350
ATP (Autonomous Transaction Processing) services, 239
vs. ADW, 294
description, 293
resources, 53
Attach Dynamic Routing Gateway screen, 113
attaching block volumes, 192–195
Auth tokens, 32
autonomous database systems, 297
database backups, 275
federated OCI, 64–66
IAM. See Identity and Access Management (IAM)
OCI CLI, 325
automatic backups, 277, 279–281
Automatic Storage Management (ASM), 241–243
automation tools, 321
OCI CLI, 321–333
questions, 340–342
review, 340
Terraform, 333–339
Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW) services, 239–240
vs. ATP, 294
resources, 53
autonomous database (ADB) systems
backups and recovery, 300–301
connecting, 297–300
creating, 294–297
HADR architecture, 356
operating, 301–303
variants, 293–294
Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) services, 239
vs. ADW, 294
description, 293
resources, 53
custom images, 147
instance pools, 178–179
Data Guard, 354
database migration, 308
HADR architecture. See HADR architecture
availability domains (ADs)
compute instances, 142
description, 2–3
HADR architecture, 345–346
overview, 11–15
resources, 43–47
AVAILABLE attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
AWS (Amazon Web Services), 11
autonomous database systems, 300–301
console, 277–281
copying, 212–213
Database Cloud Services, 267–282
dbcli utility, 267–273
Exadata, 281–282
full, 207
manual, 205–206
policies, 205
RMAN, 273–277
volume groups, 208–210
bandwidth of networks, 13
Bare Metal Cloud Services (BMCS), 240
bare-metal machines and database systems
block volume connections, 192
compute instances, 15, 20, 22, 142–143
Database Cloud Services, 242–246
Exadata, 247–248
IP address space and DNS requirements, 256
network requirements, 250
servers, 3
Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND), 116
best practice architectures. See HADR architecture
BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), 90, 349
bi-directional topology in GoldenGate, 356
BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain), 116
blkid command, 200
block size in database migration, 307
block storage, 21
attaching, 192–195
backups, 204–213
connecting, 195–198
creating, 189–192
deleting, 210
file systems, 198–199
formatting, 198–200
groups, 207–210
mounting, 199–200
overview, 188–189
presenting, 200–204
recovery, 210–213
Block Volume service
boot volumes, 150
OCI CLI, 330
BMCS (Bare Metal Cloud Services), 240
boot volumes
compute instances, 149–151
description, 189
Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), 90, 349
Bring Your Own Hypervisor (BYOH), 151–152
bring your own license (BYOL), 23, 257–258, 286–287
broadcast addresses in CIDR, 76
broadcast topology in GoldenGate, 355
Bucket Resource-Type for permissions, 36–38
archive tier, 215–217
backups, 267–268, 270–271, 273–277
credentials, 32
multipart uploads, 219–220
object storage, 21–22, 188, 213–215
permissions, 36–38
pre-authenticated requests, 220–221
standard tier, 217–219
bulk loader in database migration, 310–311
business units in IAM, 31
bv backup command, 330
BYOH (Bring Your Own Hypervisor), 151–152
BYOL (bring your own license), 23, 257–258, 286–287
cascading topology in GoldenGate, 356
CDBs (container databases)
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307
certificate-based authentication, 297
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 193, 195–198
character sets
Database Cloud Services, 261
database migration, 307
child compartments, 35
Choose Instance Type screen, 157
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
OCI CLI, 332
overview, 75–79
cloud computing models, 9–11
clusters. See Real Application Clusters (RACs)
CNAME DNS record type, 122
colocation model in FastConnect, 89
command-line interface. See OCI command line interface (CLI)
block volumes, 189
creating, 44–47
IAM, 29–31
policies, 35
resources, 57–60
complexity in database migration, 307
compute instances, 20
autoscaling, 178–179
boot volumes, 149–151
compute images, 144–152, 162–167
compute service components, 142–152
compute shapes, 142–144
configurations, 176–179
console connections, 179–182
creating, 152–162
HADR architecture, 346–348, 350–351, 358
introduction, 141
managing, 174–175
metadata, 174
multiple vNICs, 175
pools, 176–178
power management, 174
questions, 183–185
review, 182
virtual cloud networks, 84
Windows, 170–173
conditions in policies, 54–56
autonomous database systems, 297–300
block volumes, 195–198
compute instances, 179–182
database migration, 304
autonomous database systems, 294–297
backups, 277–281
compute instances connections, 179–182
launching, 8
consolidation topology in GoldenGate, 356
container databases (CDBs)
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307
Copy Block Volume Backup screen, 212
copying backups, 212–213
cores in processor-based licensing, 284–285
database migration, 307
IAM, 31
CPE (Customer Premises Equipment), 20
autonomous database systems, 301
description, 2
Create Autonomous Database screen, 295
Create Backup screen, 278
create-backupconfig command, 271–272
Create Block Volume screen, 190–191
Create Compute Instance screen, 157, 164, 170–171
Create Custom Image screen, 163
Create Dynamic Routing Gateway screen, 112
Create File System screen, 226
Create Internet Gateway screen, 254
Create Load Balancer screen, 167–168
Create Local Peering Gateway screen, 107–108
Create Namespace Definition screen, 50–51, 58
Create NAT Gateway screen, 100–101
create-objectstoreswift command, 271
Create Pre-Authenticated Request screen, 220–221
Create Remote Peering Connection screen, 113
create-rmanbackupreport command, 281
Create Route Table screen, 101–102, 105
Create Service Gateway screen, 104, 253
Create Subnet screen, 97–98
Create Virtual Cloud Network screen, 96–97, 252
Create Volume Group screen, 208, 211
credentials for accounts, 32–33
cross-platform transportable tablespaces in abase migration, 313
CSI (Customer Support Identifier) numbers, 7
custom images
compute instances, 146–149
creating, 162–167
Custom Resolver, 118
Customer Premises Equipment (CPE), 20
Customer secret keys in federated OCI, 65
Customer Support Identifier (CSI) numbers, 7
data center failures, 288
DATA disk group
bare metal database systems, 245
database files, 243
description, 241
Exadata, 248–249
Data Guard
database migration, 312
HADR architecture, 343, 353–355
high availability, 290–293
data residency regulations in GoldenGate, 28
Data Transfer Appliances, 305
data transfer service for base migration, 304–306, 308
Data Transfer Utility (DTU)
database migration, 305
resource locations, 39
Database as a Service (DBaaS)
description, 9–10
HADR architecture, 352
Database Cloud Services (DBCS), 239
backups, 267–282
bare metal database systems, 242–246
Data Guard, 291–292
dbcli utility, 265–267
description, 22–23
encryption, 287
Exadata, 247–249
licensing, 286–287
network requirements, 250–267
overview, 240–242
patching, 282–283
SQL Developer, 264–265
SQL*Plus utility, 262–264
Database Connection screen, 299
database HADR, 351–356
database resource managers, 298
databases, 239–240
autonomous database systems, 293–303
bare-metal. See bare-metal machines and database systems
Database Cloud Services, 283
HADR architecture, 358
high availability, 287–293
licensing, 283–287
migration. See migration of databases
questions, 317–319
review, 316–317
db version list command, 331
DBaaS (Database as a Service)
description, 9–10
HADR architecture, 352
dbcli utility
Database Cloud Services, 265–267
encryption, 287
DBCS. See Database Cloud Services (DBCS)
DCS-10045 validation error in backups, 272
DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks
DNS protection for, 121
HADR architecture, 351
defined tags, 50–52
deleting block volumes, 210
DenseIO compute, 350
describe-rmanbackupreport command, 281
destroy command in HCL, 337, 339
IP addresses, 84
networks, 74–75
subnets, 117
Disaster Recovery (DR), 343
autonomous database systems, 300–301
availability domains, 13
block volumes, 210–213
HADR architecture. See HADR architecture
disk-based database backups, 268–270
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks
DNS protection for, 121
HADR architecture, 351
DNAME DNS record type, 122
dnsdomain command, 118
Domain Name System (DNS)
concepts and features, 116–120
Database Cloud Services requirements, 256
description, 19
HADR architecture, 347
in OCI, 115–126
records, 121–126
downloading objects, 216–218
DRGs. See Dynamic Routing Gateways (DRGs)
DTU (Data Transfer Utility)
database migration, 305
resource locations, 39
dynamic groups
description, 38–39
setting up, 66–69
Dynamic Routing Gateways (DRGs)
Database Cloud Services, 250–251
description, 20
overview, 88–90
RPCs, 94
edge security in networking, 137
Edit Route Rules screen, 110, 115
Egress Rules screen, 256
egress security list rules, 282
emulated mode for custom images, 147–148
block volumes, 189
Database Cloud Services, 267, 287
SSH key pairs, 154
wallet backups, 270–271
end-to-end SSL, 129
ephemeral IP addresses, 85
equality operators for dynamic groups, 67
Establish Peering Connection screen, 109
/etc/fstab file, 198–199
/etc/hosts file, 119
/etc/nsswitch.conf file, 119
/etc/resolv.conf file, 119–120
backups, 281–282
Database Cloud Services, 247–249
servers, 239–240
Exadata Cloud at Customer (ExaCC), 309
Exadata on DBCS (ExaCS), 247
Exchange Partner for FastConnect, 349
export options and utilities
database migration, 311–312
FSS, 224
failover role transitions in Data Guard, 291, 354
family resource-types in policies, 52–54
Fast Application Notification (FAN) Event traffic, 251
Fast Recovery Area (FRA)
backups, 273
Database Cloud Services, 267
Exadata backups, 282
fast-start-fail-over (FSFO) in Data Guard, 293
autonomous database systems, 297
database migration, 304
description, 20
Dynamic Routing Gateways, 89
HADR architecture, 348–349
fault domains, 12
fault-tolerant data centers, 11
FAULTY attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
fdisk command, 197–199
federated OCI, 64–66
file storage service (FSS), 187–188, 222
concepts, 222–224
creating, 225–232
description, 22
snapshots, 232–234
file systems, creating, 198–199
formatting block volumes, 198–200
FQDNs (fully qualified domain names), 116–118, 256
FRA (Fast Recovery Area)
backups, 273
Database Cloud Services, 267
Exadata backups, 282
free-form tags, 49–50
FSFO (fast-start-fail-over) in Data Guard, 293
FSS. See file storage service (FSS)
full backups
block volumes, 205
creating, 207
Exadata, 281–282
managed, 277
RMAN, 309
fully qualified domain names (FQDNs), 116–118, 256
gateways, 86
Database Cloud Services, 251–252
database migration, 304
dynamic routing, 88–90
Internet, 87
local peering, 93–94
remote peering connection, 93–95
get command for Internet gateways, 87
global resources, 40–43
gold images, 146
GoldenGate topologies, 355–356
graph command in HCL, 337
Grid Infrastructure (GI)
description, 241
HADR architecture, 352
patches, 283
RAC, 288
block volumes, 207–210
creating, 60–63
IAM, 33–34
Guided Journey screen, 7–8
HADR architecture
autonomous database systems, 356
compute instances, 358
Data Guard, 353–355
database, 351–356
designing, 344–356
GoldenGate, 355–356
IAM, 357
networking, 357–358
overview, 343
performance-based, 351
questions, 359–361
RACs, 353
regions and availability domains, 345–346
review, 358
security, 356–358
single-instance databases, 352
storage and compute instances, 350–351
VCNs, load balancers, and compute instances, 346–348
VPN and FastConnect, 348–349
hard disk drives (HDDs) in database migration, 305
hardware-based encryption, 287
HashiCorp Configuration Language (HCL), 333, 336–337
Health Checks for backend sets, 131–132
high availability (HA), 343
Data Guard, 290–293
HADR. See HADR architecture
overview, 287–288
RACs, 288–290
HIGH priority in autonomous database systems, 298
host address space in CIDR, 76–78
hostname command, 118
hostnames in load balancers, 129
Hybrid Columnar Compression, 247
Hyper-V hypervisors, 152
hyperthreading in processor-based licensing, 284–285
hypervisors, 151–152
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 2, 9–11
IaC (Infrastructure-as-Code)
automation tools, 321
OCI CLI, 332
IAM. See Identity and Access Management (IAM)
iam region list command, 327
IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 80, 116
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), 116
IDCS (Identity Cloud Service)
accounts, 6–7
federated OCI, 64
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
concepts, 27–28
dynamic groups, 66–69
federated OCI, 64–66
FSS, 224
introduction, 27
overview, 16–18
questions, 70–72
resource creation, 56–63
resource identifiers, 47–48
resource locations, 39–47
resource overview, 28–29
review, 69
tags, 49–52
tenancy and compartments, 29–31
users, 31–33
Identity Cloud Service (IDCS)
accounts, 6–7
federated OCI, 64
identity providers (IdPs) in federated OCI, 64–66
images, compute, 144–152, 162–167
import utilities in database migration, 311–312
incremental backups
block volumes, 205
indexing in autonomous database systems, 302
inequality operators for dynamic groups, 67
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 2, 9–11
Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC)
automation tools, 321
OCI CLI, 332
Ingress Rules screen, 255
init command in HCL, 336
inspect verb for permissions, 36–38
OCI CLI, 322–325
Terraform, 334–335
Internet and VCN Resolver, 118
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 80, 116
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 116
Internet gateways
Database Cloud Services, 251
database migration, 304
overview, 87
Internet service providers (ISPs), 74
IP addresses
CIDR, 76–77
Database Cloud Services, 256
DNS. See Domain Name System (DNS)
gateways, 86–95
load balancers, 347
networks, 74–75
private, 83–84
public, 85–86
virtual cloud networks, 80, 83–86
IP hash policy for load balancers, 132
database migration, 304
Dynamic Routing Gateways, 89
iSCSI attachments, 192–198
iSCSI Commands & Information screen, 202
iscsiadm command, 197–198
isolation in availability domains, 13
ISPs (Internet service providers), 74
JSON files
free-form tags, 49
Keep Policy Current option, 38
kernel-based VM (KVM), 152
key management system (KMS), 287
Key Vault for encryption, 287
credentials, 32–33
federated OCI, 65
OCI CLI, 327–328
SSH, 154–156
tags, 50
Terraform, 334
KMS (key management system), 287
KVM (kernel-based VM), 152
labels in DNS, 116
large objects in multipart uploads, 219–220
latency in networks, 13
Launch DB System screen
bare metal systems, 244
DB systems on VMs, 257
high availability, 289
least connections policy for load balancers, 132
licensing databases, 283–287
list-backupconfigs command, 272
list-vnics command, 175
Listener Information screen, 133
listeners in load balancers, 19, 129–130
load balancers (LBs)
backend sets, 130–132
HADR architecture, 346–348
instance pools, 177
listeners, 129–130
networking, 19
in OCI, 126–135
private, 127
public, 127–129
routing traffic to web servers, 167–170
setting up, 132–135
terminology and concepts, 126–135
local peering gateways (LPGs), 93–94
local peering setup, 106–111
logical standby in Data Guard, 290–291
LOW priority in autonomous database systems, 298
LPGs (local peering gateways), 93–94
MAA (Maximum Availability Architecture) in database migration, 308, 310, 354
manage verb in policies, 34–38
managed recovery in Data Guard, 290
manual backups, 205–206
master images, 146
matching rules in dynamic groups, 67
Maximum Availability Architecture (MAA) in database migration, 308, 310, 354
Maximum Availability mode in Data Guard, 291, 354
Maximum Performance mode in Data Guard, 291, 354
Maximum Protection mode in Data Guard, 291
MEDIUM priority in autonomous database systems, 298
metadata in compute instances, 174
named user plus licensing, 286–287
processor-based licensing, 284–285
migration of databases, 303–304
approaches, 306–310
connectivity, 304
Data Guard, 312
Data Pump, 313–314
data transfer service, 304–306
export and import utilities, 311–312
multitenant approaches, 314–315
RMAN, 313
SQL Developer, 315–316
SQL*Loader, 310–311
monitoring autonomous database systems, 302–303
mount targets in FSS, 225–232
mounting block volumes, 199–200
multipart uploads for large objects, 219–220
multiple vNICs, 175
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307, 309, 314–315
MX DNS record type, 122
NAME component in DNS resource record, 122
named user plus (NUP) licensing, 283, 286–287
block volumes, 189
buckets, 214–215
DNS. See Domain Name System (DNS)
tags, 49–52
usernames, 32
native mode for custom images, 147–148
netmasks in CIDR, 77–78
network address translation (NAT) gateways
Database Cloud Services, 251
deploying, 100–103
overview, 87–88
network file system (NFS), 22, 222
network identifiers in CIDR, 76
Network Information screen, 133
network virtualization, off-box, 15–16
networks and networking, 2
CIDR, 75–79
concepts and terminology, 73–75
Database Cloud Services requirements, 250–267
Dynamic Routing Gateway, 20
edge security, 137
FastConnect, 20
HADR architecture, 357–358
introduction, 73
performance, 13
questions, 138–140
review, 137–138
virtual cloud networks, 18–19
VNC design, 135–136
NFS (network file system), 22, 222
NFSv3 Unix security, 224
Nimbula Director, 4
node failures in high availability, 288
noisy neighbor situations, 15
non-volatile storage components, 1
NS DNS record type, 122
nslookup command, 120
NUP (named user plus) licensing, 283, 286–287
NVIDIA processors for compute shapes, 142–143
NVMe disks in HADR architecture, 350
OAM (Oracle Access Manager), 64
object storage, 213
buckets, 213–219
Exadata backups, 282
multipart uploads, 219–220
overview, 21–22
pre-authenticated requests, 220–221
pseudo-hierarchies, 218–219
RMAN backups, 275–277
objectstoreswift resources for backups, 271
OCI command line interface (CLI)
buckets, 215
configuring, 325–328
installing, 322–325
overview, 321–322
resource locations, 39
supported database lists, 331–333
working with, 328–330
OCI console for buckets, 215
OCI users for Exadata backups, 282
OCIDs. See Oracle Cloud IDs (OCIDs)
OCPUs (Oracle Compute Processing Units), 3
compute shapes, 142
processor-based licensing, 284–285
OEM (Oracle Enterprise Manager), 241
off-box network virtualization, 15–16
olsnodes command, 282
OLTP-specific services, 298
on-premises networks, 73–74
one-off patches in database migration, 306
ONS (Oracle Notification Services), 251
OPC (Oracle Public Cloud), 4
optimizing autonomous database systems, 302
Oracle Access Manager (OAM), 64
Oracle Call Interface, 297
Oracle Cloud IDs (OCIDs), 35
Dynamic Routing Gateways, 90
FSS, 233
images, 151
policies, 35
remote peering connection, 94
resource identifiers, 47–48
Terraform, 334
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic, 1
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) overview, 1
accounts, 4–8
cloud computing models, 9–11
compute instances, 20
Database Cloud Service, 22–23
features and components overview, 11
Identity and Access Management, 16–18
introduction, 1–8
load balancers, 126–135
networking, 18–20
off-box network virtualization, 15–16
questions, 24–26
regions and availability domains, 11–15
review, 24
storage, 20–22
Oracle Compute Processing Units (OCPUs), 3
compute shapes, 142
processor-based licensing, 284–285
Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM), 241
ORACLE HOME location, 241
Oracle images, 145
Oracle Network Provider for FastConnect, 349
Oracle Notification Services (ONS), 251
Oracle Public Cloud (OPC), 4
Oracle Virtual Machine (OVM)
description, 2
hypervisors, 152
PaaS, 9–11
paravirtualized attachments in block volumes, 192
paravirtualized mode for custom images, 147–148
PARs (pre-authenticated requests) for object storage, 220–221
partitions for block volumes, 198–200
partner images, 145
passwords in federated OCI, 65
autonomous database systems, 302
Database Cloud Services, 282–283
database migration, 306
path route rules for load balancers, 129
Path Route Sets for load balancers, 19
PDBs (pluggable databases)
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307
peer-to-peer topology in GoldenGate, 356
PEM key pairs in Terraform, 334
Data Guard, 354
networks, 13
performance-based HADR, 351
overview, 35–38
tags, 51
physical standby mode in Data Guard, 290
PITR (point-in-time recovery)
backups, 280
plan command in HCL, 337–338
platform images, 144–145
pluggable databases (PDBs)
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307
point-in-time recovery (PITR)
backups, 280
backups, 205
conditions, 54–56
creating, 60–63
family resource-types, 52–54
IAM, 34–38
locations, 54–55
Policies Resource-Type for permissions, 37
pools in compute instances, 176–178
power management in compute instances, 174
pre-authenticated requests (PARs) for object storage, 220–221
presenting block volumes, 200–204
private IP addresses, 74, 83–84
private load balancers
compartments, 127
HADR architecture, 347
private peering in FastConnect, 89, 348
private subnets with dynamic routing gateways, 251
processor-based licensing, 283–285
Data Guard, 354
HADR architecture, 356–358
providers in HCL, 336
PROVISIONING attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
provisioning state in instance pools, 177
pseudo-hierarchies in object storage, 218–219
PTR DNS record type, 122
public IP addresses, 74, 85–86
public load balancers
HADR architecture, 347
overview, 127–129
public peering in FastConnect, 89, 348
public subnets with Internet gateways, 251–257
PuTTY Key Generator, 154–155
QuickStart installation, 323–324
Exadata Cloud Service, 247
failures, 288
RACs. See Real Application Clusters (RACs)
RCs (root compartments) in IAM, 30
RDATA component in DNS resource record, 122
RDLENGTH component in DNS resource record, 122
read verb for permissions, 36–38
Real Application Clusters (RACs)
description, 240–242
Exadata, 247
HADR architecture, 353
high availability, 288–290
RECO disk group
bare metal database systems, 245
description, 241
Exadata, 248–249
recovery-related files, 243
records, DNS, 121–126
autonomous database systems, 300–301
availability domains, 13
block volumes, 210–213
HADR architecture. See HADR architecture
Recovery Manager (RMAN)
backup reports, 281
database migration, 309–310, 313
unmanaged database backups, 273–277
Recovery Point Objective (RPO), 344
Recovery Time Objective (RTO), 344
ASM, 242
HADR architecture, 343
refresh command in HCL, 337
HADR architecture, 345–346
overview, 11–15
resources, 43–47
subscribing to, 41–43
volume backups, 212
reliability in database migration, 308
remote cloning in database migration, 309–310
remote peering connection (RPC), 93–95
remote VCN peering, 111–115
replication in HADR architecture, 350
reserved IP addresses, 85
RESET command in instance power management, 174
resolution, DNS, 117–118
resource identifiers, 47–48
resource locations, 39–40
global resources, 40–43
regional and availability domain–level resources, 43–47
resource records (RRs) in DNS, 116, 122–126
compartments, 57–60
creating, 56–63
family resource-types, 52–54
HCL, 336
IAM, 28–29
regions and availability domains, 43–47
REST APIs for buckets, 215
block volumes, 210–212
objects, 216–218
RESTORING attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
RMAN (Recovery Manager)
backup reports, 281
database migration, 309–310, 313
unmanaged database backups, 273–277
root compartments (RCs) in IAM, 30
Round Trip Time (RTT) in networks, 13
route tables
creating, 101–103
Database Cloud Services, 251
description, 80
routers, 75
routers in networks, 74–75
routing algorithms for load balancers, 19
routing traffic to web servers, 167–170
RPC (remote peering connection), 93–95
RPO (Recovery Point Objective), 344
RRs (resource records) in DNS, 116, 122–126
RSA key pairs in OCI CLI, 328
RTO (Recovery Time Objective), 344
RTT (Round Trip Time) in networks, 13
load balancers, 130
routers, 75
running state in instance pools, 177
SaaS, 9–11
autonomous database systems storage, 301
custom images, 147
instance pools, 178–179
autonomous database systems, 302
database migration, 314
tags, 50–52
SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management), 64
SD-WAN (software-defined wide area networking) solutions, 349
SDKs (Software Development Kits)
buckets, 215
resource locations, 39
secure shell (SSH)
compute instances, 20, 180–182
Database Cloud Services, 263
key pairs, 154–156
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
autonomous database systems, 297
listeners, 129
autonomous database systems, 302
FSS, 224
HADR architecture, 356–358
networking, 137
security lists
Database Cloud Services, 251
edge security, 137
Exadata backups, 282
FSS, 224
VCNs, 81
service gateways
Database Cloud Services, 251
deploying, 103–106
Exadata backups, 281
overview, 90–93
setup config command, 326
shapes, compute, 142–144
single-instance (SI) databases, 352
single sign-on (SSO), 64–66
boot volumes, 149
source databases in database migration, 307
SMTP credentials, 32
snapshots in FSS, 232–234
SOA DNS record type, 122
sockets in processor-based licensing, 284–285
SOFTRESET command in instance power management, 174
SOFTSTOP command in instance power management, 174
software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) solutions, 349
Software Development Kits (SDKs)
buckets, 215
resource locations, 39
source databases in database migration
platforms, 307
size, 307
version, 306
SPARSE disk group
description, 241
Exadata, 248–249
speed in database migration, 308
SQL Apply in Data Guard, 290
SQL Developer
autonomous database system connections, 298–300
Database Cloud Services, 264–265
database migration, 308–309, 315–316
SQL*Loader in database migration, 310–311
SQL*Plus utility, 262–264
ssh-keygen command, 155
SSH (secure shell)
compute instances, 20, 180–182
Database Cloud Services, 263
key pairs, 154–156
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)
autonomous database systems, 297
listeners, 129
SSO (single sign-on), 64–66
standalone managed backups, 277–278
Standard Edition for databases, 241
standard tier for buckets, 214, 217–219
START command in instance power management, 174
starting state in instance pools, 177
static routes in Exadata backups, 282
STOP command in instance power management, 174
stopped state for instance pools, 178
stopping state for instance pools, 178
archive, 21–22
block. See block storage
file service, 22
file storage service. See file storage service (FSS)
HADR architecture, 350–351, 358
object. See object storage
questions, 235–237
review, 234
scaling in autonomous database systems, 301
CIDR, 76
creating, 96–100
DNS, 117
edge security, 137
VCNs, 81–82
subscribing to regions, 41–43
switchover role transitions in Data Guard, 291, 354
synchronous replication, 350
System for Cross-domain Identity Management (SCIM), 64
defined, 50–52
dynamic groups, 67
free-form, 49–50
taint command in HCL, 337
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol), 74–75
TDE (Transparent Data Encryption)
Database Cloud Services, 267, 287
description, 242
wallet backups, 270–271
Database Cloud Services, 250
database migration, 307, 309, 314–315
federated OCI, 66
IAM, 29–31
TERMINATED attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
terminated state in instance pools, 178
TERMINATING attribute in block volume lifecycle-state, 190
terminating state in instance pools, 178
termination of SSL traffic, 129
Terraform tool
installing and configuring, 334–335
overview, 333
VCNs, 337–338
working with, 336–337
threads in processor-based licensing, 284–285
tiers in buckets, 214–217
top-level domains (TLDs), 116
TP service in autonomous database systems, 298
TPURGENT service in autonomous database systems, 298
Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 74–75
Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)
Database Cloud Services, 267, 287
description, 242
wallet backups, 270–271
transportable tablespaces in database migration, 313–314
TTL component in DNS resource record, 122
tuning autonomous database systems, 302
tunneling SSL traffic, 129
TYPE component in DNS resource record, 122
unidirectional topology in GoldenGate, 355
unique identifiers (UUIDs) for partitions, 200
unmanaged database backups, 273–275
Unplug/Plug in database migration, 309–310, 314
untaint command in HCL, 337
update-database command, 272
update-tdekey command, 287
large objects, 219–220
objects, 216–218
use verb for permissions, 37–38
Use Version Date option, 38
creating, 60–63
credentials, 32–33
IAM, 31–33
UUIDs (unique identifiers) for partitions, 200
HCL, 335–336
policy conditions, 56
VCNs. See virtual cloud networks (VCNs)
vCPUs (virtual CPUs), 284–285
verbs for permissions, 35–38
virtual cloud networks (VCNs), 18–19
design, 135–137
DHCP options, 81
gateways, 86–95
HADR architecture, 346–348
IAM, 28–29
local peering, 106–111
NAT gateways, 100–103
networks, 74
overview, 79–80
peering, 80
private IP addresses, 83–84
public IP addresses, 85–86
remote peering, 111–115
route tables, 80
security lists, 81
service gateways, 103–106
subnets, 81–82
Terraform, 337–338
virtual NICs, 83–84
virtual CPUs (vCPUs), 284–285
virtual hostnames for load balancers, 129
virtual machines (VMs)
compute instances, 142–143
Database Cloud Services, 250, 257–262
virtual network interface cards (vNICs)
multiple, 175
networks, 75
overview, 83–84
virtualization, off-box network, 15–16
VMs (virtual machines)
compute instances, 142–143
Database Cloud Services, 250, 257–262
VNC connections for compute instances, 180
vNICs (virtual network interface cards)
multiple, 175
networks, 75
overview, 83–84
volatile storage components, 2
VPNs in HADR architecture, 348–349
web servers
compute instances as, 156–162
routing traffic to, 167–170
weighted round robin policy for load balancers, 131
block volume instances, 200–204
compute instances, 170–173
Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) for database migration, 308, 310
Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) for database migration, 308, 310