2.1Timeline in the University of Cologne L1 Sign Language TPP
6.1Improper fraction sign in ASL
6.2ASL mathematics vocabularies with the bent L handshape
6.2.aMixed number (downward movement)
6.2.bPlace value (horizontal movement)
6.2.cBase (clockwise movement)
6.2.dVariable (enlongated counter-clock movement)
13.1Examples of tall, up letters (-B- and -L-) and short, fist letters (-M- and -E-)
13.2Schematic representation of fs-SAFEWAY
13.3Various productions of -E-
13.4Lexicalized production of fs-STYLE
13.5Lexicalized production of fs-JOB
13.6Lexicalized production of fs-FIX
13.7First production of fs-PLASTIC extracted from a narrative made for ASL 4 students
13.8Production of fs-PLASTIC extracted from a narrative made for ASL 4 students
20.1The cycle of L2/Ln parent sign language teaching and advocacy
20.2Student goals: A1 can-do statements (class 2, module 1)
22.1A data glove and colored glove used in sign recognition studies
22.2Data capture setups with Kinect and Leap Motion sensors
23.1Signs of Ireland Corpus. Fiona (36) Frog Story (Waterford)