
Community Forum

Provocative Opinions on Contemporary Topics

Charlynn Walls
Chasing the Bunny: Why We Should Welcome Newcomers to the Craft

What newcomers bring is a fresh outlook, overwhelming enthusiasm, and a sense of wonder. So why are we so hard on those coming into the Craft?

James Kambos
How to Be a Magical Friend

As your skills in the magical arts grow, many people will seek you out to help them with their lives. That’s why it’s important to learn how to be a magical friend.

Storm Faerywolf
Exonerating the Warlock: A Brief History & Revisioning of a Misunderstood Term

To some modern practitioners, Warlock is thought of as an insult. But for Storm Faerywolf, it is a word of power that accomplishes for men what Witch did for women.

Deborah Blake
Worshipping Widely and Cultural Appropriation

Can we worship deities and integrate practices not from our particular cultural background without it becoming cultural appropriation?

Raven Digitalis
Freemasonry: The “Other” Craft

The Craft of the Freemasons utilizes countless occult symbols and philosophies, many of which have influenced modern-day Witchcraft. Raven Digitalis invites you to learn about one of most historically influential organizations in the world.

Stephanie Woodfield
Embracing Being Broken: How to Avoid Spiritual Bypass

Spiritual bypass is a trap that anyone can fall into, no matter what religion or spiritual tradition they practice. The trick is to recognize it and not fall into its cycle of avoidance. We need to remember that it’s okay to be broken.

Linda Raedisch
Creatures of an Elder World: In Pursuit of Shakespeare’s Three Witches

Spurred on by some outrageously ugly characters from her favorite science fiction series, Linda Raedisch tracks the Three Witches from Macbeth through the mists of time and the forests of myth.

Elizabeth Barrette
How to Start a Pagan Blog

Blogging is a fun and effective way to reach out to people and share your ideas. Create a successful Pagan blog by following these helpful steps, including choosing a venue, setting a schedule, posting content, and building an audience.

Witchy Living

Day-by-Day Witchcraft

Jason Mankey
Everyday Witchcraft

Witchcraft isn’t limited to full moons and sabbat rites; it’s a way of life. By practicing a little something each and every day, we grow closer to the earth and the Lord and Lady—which makes us better Witches.

Diana Rajchel
Hardware Store Magick

For the determined magician, any place can be an occult supplier if you have the knowhow, attention, and imagination. Your local hardware store offers an ocean of infinite possibilities for your magick.

Lexa Olick
Improve Your Concentration with Focal Jewelry

Learn how to create a piece of focal jewelry that you can use to balance your breathing, calm an overstimulated mind, break down mental and emotional barriers, and boost your concentration.

Pow-Wow Magick: Make Your Own Charms and Hex Signs

Discover how to use elements of the Pennsylvania Dutch tradition of pow-wow magick to create your own charms and hex signs.

Reverend J. Variable x/ø
Voices in Your Head: Your Multidimensional Crew

Some people have spirit guides; Reverend J. Variable x/ø has imaginary friends. Here are some tips and observations if you’re interested in cultivating a relationship with your own invisible friends.

Gwynned Stone
Night Shift Magick

As Witches, many of our spiritual paths assume that our lives revolve around a traditional work schedule. Here are some practical strategies for maintaining a spiritual practice if you work the night shift.

Barbara Ardinger
Attention Must Be Paid

It’s important to pay attention to the details and the moments of our lives. That’s how we find out what is important. By paying better attention, we honor ourselves, our communities, and our families, friends, and pets.

Witchcraft Essentials

Practices, Rituals & Spells

Melissa Tipton
Building a Magical Meditation Practice

It can be hard to motivate ourselves to stick with a meditation practice. As Witches, though, we have an extra incentive: meditation is a powerful way to ramp up our magical skills. Here are three ways to make meditation truly enjoyable.

Susan Pesznecker
A Month of Ten Minutes: A Path to Embracing the Practice of Journaling

Journaling is perhaps the single most effective way to inspire your creativity, keep track of your life details, and, in the case of magical folks, support your practice and craft. All it takes is ten minutes a day.

Witchy Spa Day

Who among us healer types doesn’t need a day of rejuvenating downtime? Calantirniel offers ideas for a DIY stay-at-home spa day that will inspire and uplift your body, soul, and spirit.

Dr. Alexandra Chauran
How to Create an Altar for Every Room or Space

Altars are often an essential part of a Wiccan’s practice. Dr. Alexandra Chauran shares some tips to create permanent or semipermanent altars in your living space, your workplace, your garden, or even your car.

Deborah Castellano
Spiritual Communication 101

Use the ideas in this article to learn how to form reciprocal relationships with deities and spirits and communicate with them for guidance and support.

Ember Grant
Crystal Magic: Not-So-Common Calcite

Ember Grant explores the metaphysical properties of calcite and provides specific techniques for using this stone in your crystal magic practice.

Najah Lightfoot
The Magick of Color

Nature has given us the magick of color. Learn how to use color to lift your spirit, heal your heart, protect yourself, connect with your goals, and remember your dreams.

Magical Transformations

Everything Old Is New Again

Tess Whitehurst
Clean Eating for the Magical Practitioner

If you want to be more in tune with Mother Earth and all of the power and magic she has to offer, consider making the switch to clean eating—a diet of whole, plant-based foods. Includes three kitchen witchery spells!

Blake Octavian Blair
Staying on the Spiritual Wagon

At one time or another in life, we all will go through at least one rough patch. Blake Octavian Blair offers strategies to get through it and maintain a connection with divinity and your spiritual practice.

Emily Carlin
Boundaries and Cleanup for Magickal Events

One of the most rewarding elements of magickal community is participating in community events. Emily Carlin explores some of the energetic concerns, protective preparations, and energetic cleanup techniques for magickal events.

Jane Meredith
My Mother’s Funeral: Bringing Pagan Ritual into Death

We magickal people have an enormous gift to offer our non-Pagan communities: the ability to construct and run deeply personal and powerful rituals. We can use our skills to plan a meaningful funeral service drawn from Pagan practice.

Tiffany Lazic
Insect Totems: Creepy, Crawly, Buzzy Wisdom

If an insect makes a significant or unusual appearance in your day, it is very likely that Spirit has shown up in miniscule form to enlighten you. Come explore the vast array of insect totems and the wisdom they have to offer.

Laurel Reufner
Courting the Dark Side: Finding a Balance Between Light and Shadow

In order to reach wholeness and ultimately be a better person, we need to embrace our shadow and learn to work with it. Here are some insights into making friends with your darker side.

The Lunar Calendar

September 2017 to December 2018

Calendar with Holidays, New & Full Moons, and Lunar Phases & Ingresses

September 2017

October 2017

November 2017

December 2017

January 2018

February 2018

March 2018

April 2018

May 2018

June 2018

July 2018

August 2018

September 2018

October 2018

November 2018

December 2018