List of Figures

1.1The Rosetta Stone
1.2Set for the opera, The Magic Flute
1.3Giovanni Battista Belzoni (1778–1823)
1.4British archaeologist Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie (1853–1942)
1.5Quickbird and WorldView-1 satellite image of Tanis, Egypt
1.6Wheeler excavation squares at a site
1.7Tell el-Balamun, magnetic map of the temple enclosure
1.8Vivien Leigh as Cleopatra (VII) with Claude Rains as Julius Caesar, in the 1945 film of the George Bernard Shaw play Caesar and Cleopatra
2.1Stages of the Egyptian language
2.2Fragmentary papyrus in hieratic about the Battle of Qadesh, fought by Rameses II in the 19th Dynasty
2.3Limestone ostracon, with Coptic inscriptions on both sides
2.4Jean-François Champollion (1790–1832)
2.5Sety I’s king list from his Abydos temple
3.1Wooden model of a bakery/brewery, from the 12th-Dynasty tomb of Meketra, Deir el-Bahri
3.2Fishing scene (from a papyrus boat), from the 6th-Dynasty tomb of Mereruka, Saqqara
4.2Steps in the making of a Levallois flake
4.3Middle Paleolithic flake tools
4.4Late Predynastic ripple-flaked knife produced by pressure flaking
4.5Figures of wild cattle at the Late Paleolothic rock art site of Qurta I, locality 1
4.6Late Neolithic stone alignment at Nabta Playa
5.1Subterranean house structure at Ma’adi
5.2Sequence Dating chart showing Petrie’s Predynastic pottery classes
5.3Plan of the Naqada cemeteries excavated by Petrie
5.4Wall scene from Tomb 100, Hierakonpolis
5.5Egypt: Predynastic (Naqada culture) burial from Naga el-Deir
5.6Narmer Palette, reverse and obverse
5.7Tags from Tomb U-j, Abydos
5.8Plan of the Early Dynastic Royal Cemetery at Abydos
5.91st-Dynasty limestone stela of King Djet from his tomb at Abydos
5.10Plan of the three funerary enclosures from Aa’s reign, Abydos
5.11Section of the 1st-Dynasty Tomb 3357 at North Saqqara
5.12Carved disk from Hemaka’s tomb, North Saqqara
5.13Location of the “Main Deposit,” Hierakonpolis
6.1Cartouche of Khufu
6.2Djoser’s Step Pyramid complex, Saqqara
6.3Relief of Djoser running the sed-festival race, from the so-called “South Tomb” at his Step Pyramid complex, Saqqara
6.4Aerial photo of the Step Pyramid complex and three unfinished rectangular pyramid complexes at Saqqara
6.5Cross-section plan of Sneferu’s Maidum pyramid
6.6Plan of Khufu’s Great Pyramid at Giza
6.7Disassembled boat, investigated in 1987 and still in a boat pit next to Khufu’s Great Pyramid, Giza
6.8Khafra statue from the valley temple of his pyramid complex at Giza
6.9Plan of Shepseskaf’s tomb at Zawiyet el-Aryan
6.10Plan of the funerary cult town of Queen Khentkawes, Giza
6.114th-Dynasty pyramid town at Giza
6.12“Reserve head” from a mastaba tomb to the west of Khufu’s Giza pyramid
6.13Restored furniture found in the Giza tomb or ritual deposit of Queen Hetepheres I
6.14Plan of Nyussera’s sun temple complex at Abu Ghurob
6.15Plan of Pepy II’s pyramid complex at Saqqara
6.16Painted relief with scenes of boat construction from the 5th-Dynasty tomb of Ti, Saqqara
6.17Relief scene of hunting in the desert, from the 6th-Dynasty tomb of Mereruka, Saqqara
6.18Funerary stela of a priestess of Hathor, Setnet-Inheret, from Naga el-Deir
7.1Plan of Mentuhotep II’s tomb complex at Deir el-Bahri
7.2View into the small chamber of Meketra’s 12th-Dynasty tomb at Deir el-Bahri
7.3Plans of the Montu temple at Medamud, dating from the Old Kingdom to the Greco-Roman Period
7.4Plan of the rock-cut tomb of Senusret III at Abydos
7.5Plan of Senusret I’s pyramid at Lisht
7.6Planks excavated at the Lisht pyramid of Senusret I, reconstructed into a cross-section of a freight boat
7.7Plan of Amenemhat III’s pyramid at Dahshur
7.8Plan of the pyramid town of Kahun
7.9Descriptive scheme of images painted on a birth brick from South Abydos, Building A
7.10Scene of moving a large statue from the tomb of Djehuty-hotep, Deir el-Bersha
7.11Reconstruction of the 12th-Dynasty fort of Buhen
7.12Plan of the site of Tell el-Dab’a, dating to the 12th–13th Dynasties and later the 15th-Dynasty Hyksos capital of Avaris
7.13Plan of the royal tomb K X and the funerary temple K XI excavated by George Reisner at Kerma
7.1412th-Dynasty statue of Lady Sennuwy found in a royal burial (K III) at Kerma
7.15Plan of the central city of Kerma
7.16View of the Western Deffufa temple at Kerma
7.17Pan-Grave excavated at Abydos
8.1The Colossi of Memnon
8.2Plan of Hatshepsut’s mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri
8.3Plan of Amenhotep III’s Malkata palace complex
8.4Plan of the city of Akhetaten (the site of Tell el-Amarna)
8.5Plan of the central city of Akhetaten
8.6Fragmented relief of Akhenaten with Nefertiti on his lap holding two princesses
8.7Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon in Tutankhamen’s tomb
8.8View of the antechamber of Tutankhamen’s tomb, taken in 1922
8.9Plan of Tutankhamen’s tomb (KV 62), overlain by part of the tomb of Rameses VI (KV 9)
8.10Plan of Tutankhamen’s burial chamber, with four shrines, sarcophagus, and coffins
8.11Abydos, plan of the Temple of Sety I/Rameses II
8.12Plan of the Temple of Luxor
8.13Plan of the Temple of Karnak
8.14Map/location of the (royal) mortuary temples of western Thebes
8.15The Ramesseum with fallen colossus of Rameses II
8.16Plan of the temple complex at Medinet Habu
8.17Theban Mapping Project plans of tombs in Valley of the Kings
8.18Detail of a painting in the 18th-Dynasty Theban tomb of Rekhmira (TT 100) at Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
8.19Relief of a banquet scene from the 18th-Dynasty tomb of Ramose
8.20Plan of several New Kingdom tombs at Saqqara, including those of Horemheb and Maya
8.21Plan of the village of Deir el-Medina
8.22Plan of Rameses II’s rock-cut temple at Abu Simbel in Lower Nubia
9.1Taharqo head with a cap crown
9.2Plan of the temples and royal tombs at Tanis
9.3Plan of the royal necropolis at Tanis
9.4View of temples at the base of Gebel Barkal
9.5Plan of the royal cemetery at el-Kurru
9.6Plan and cross-section of the pyramid of Taharqo at Nuri
9.7Plan of the Serapeum at Saqqara
9.8Granite sarcophagus of a sacred Apis bull, buried in the underground gallery of the Serapeum at Saqqara
9.9View of the gallery with mummified falcons, Saqqara
9.10Plan of the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara
9.11Plan of the tomb of Harwa at el-Asasif
9.12Plan of the 26th-Dynasty tomb of Iufaa at Saqqara
10.1Plan of the city of Alexandria
10.2Plan of the Greco-Roman temple of Hathor at Dendera
10.3The Ptolemaic zodiac relief from the ceiling of a small chapel in the Temple of Hathor, Dendera
10.4View inside a 2nd-century elite house showing the collapsed roof, at the Dakhla Oasis site of Ismant el-Kharab (ancient Kellis)
10.5Plan of the fort at Abu Sha’ar as it appeared following the 1993 excavations
10.6Meroe, plan of the city and cemeteries
10.7Meroitic offering table in sandstone of Qenabelile
10.8Reconstruction of several Meroe pyramids
10.9Plan of the Meroitic town at Domat el-Hamadab