
adjustable bend 29

aider 98

Albright knot 3435

alpine butterfly loop 9091

alpine coil 282

anchor bend 202

anchor hitch 143

angler’s loop 110111

arbor knot 194195

artilleryman’s loop 108109

Ashley’s stopper 302

ax hitch 251

Bachman knot 166167

back splice 312313

backpack coil 280281

backing up knots 15

beaver tail 288

becket hitch 196

bends 857

Berkley trilene knot 180

bill hitch 241

Bimini twist 122123

Blake’s hitch 146147

blood knot 4041

boa knot 156157

boom hitch 218219

bottle sling 254255

bowline 63

bowline on a bight 6869

bowline on a coil 9293

bowstring loop 119

braid knot 285

buntline hitch 212213

butterfly bend 4647

butterfly loop 9091

carrick bend 32

carrick loop 8081

cat’s paw 197

caver’s helical knot 144145

Centauri knot 220

cleat hitch 172

climber’s coil 280281

clove hitch 150

clove hitch II 151

coils 280284, 286

collared hitch 258259

constrictor knot 153

cordelette anchor 246247

cow hitch 136

cross-prusik knot 158159

crown knot 303

daisy chain 287

diagonal lashing 266267

diamond hitch 238239

diamond knot 304305

double Blackwall hitch 253

double bowline 66

double bugle cord 288

double chain plait 288

double figure-eight loop 8687

double fisherman’s knot 19

double grinner knot 4445

double Heddon knot 160161

double overhand 297

double sheet bend 27

double slipped square knot 12

double trumpet cord 288

dropper loop 99

Duncan loop 186187

end whipping 306307

Englishman’s loop 106107

étrier 98

Eugene knot 188189

extended pile hitch 234235

eye splice 310311

farmer’s loop 112113

figure eight 294

figure-eight bend 17

figure-eight coil 286

figure-eight loop 85

fireman’s chair knot 176177

fisherman’s knot 18

floor lashing 272273

Frost knot 9697

girth hitch 139

grinner knot 232233

half blood knot 203

half hitch 130

halter hitch 198199

halyard hitch 210211

hammer hitch 250

handcuff knot 84

hangman’s noose 105

Headon knot 164165

heaving line knot 301

Heddon knot 158159

highwayman’s hitch 208209

hitches 124261

Hunter’s bend 3839

icicle hitch 234235

Italian hitch 140

Jack Ketch’s knot 105

Jansik knot/special 224225

Japanese square knot 16

killick hitch 149

king sling 181

Klemheist knot 164165

knife lanyard knot 304305

knute hitch 138

kreuzklem 158159

ladder hitch 257

ladder lashing 270271

Lapp knot 24

lariat knot 100

lashings 262275

lighterman’s hitch 168169

load releasing hitch 204205

lobster-buoy hitch 127

loops 58123

manharness knot/hitch 108109

Matthew Walker knot 308309

midshipman’s loop 116117

modified clinch knot 174175

monkey’s fist 298299

mono braid bend 4243

mono loop knot 184185

multifold overhand knot 300

multiple loop 284

Munter friction hitch 140

Munter mule 141

nail knot 4849

neck halter 101

needle knot 5051

Newfoundland hitch 193

Nilsson knot 202

noose 104

offshore swivel knot 226227

one-handed bowline 6465

one-way knot 2223

Ossel hitch 221

overhand 292

overhand bend 14

overhand loop 60

overhand shortening 7071

pack coil 284

Palomar knot 178179

pedigree cow hitch 176177

Penberthy knot 144145

perfection loop 110111

pile hitch 171

Pitzen knot 182183

Poldo tackle 155

pole hitch 236237

Portland Creek hitch 193

Portuguese bowline 7677

Prusik knot 142

racking bend 28

Rapala knot 190191

reef-knotted loop 62

reel knot 194195

release hitches 162163

riffle/riffling hitch 193

rigger’s bend 3839

ring hitch (double-ended) 230231

rolling hitch 200

Rosendahl bend/knot 3637

round lashing 268269

round turn and two half hitches 133

running bowline 67

scaffold hitch 248249

scaffold knot 114115

seizing bend 3031

self-equalizing anchor 242243

shear/sheer lashing 268269

sheepshank 289

sheet bend 25

short splice 314315

simple Simon (double) 5455

single Blackwall hitch 252

single bugle cord 287

single hook hitch 256

single trumpet cord 287

slide-and-grip (center-loaded) 245

slide-and-grip (end-loaded) 244

sliding sheet bend hitch 134135

slipped bowline 74

slipped buntline hitch 214

slipped cleat hitch 173

slipped constrictor knot 154

slipped figure eight 295

slipped noose hitch 137

slipped overhand knot 293

slipped rolling hitch 201

slipped sheet bend 26

slipped square knot 11

slippery half hitch 131

snelling of a hook 222223

snug hitch (reinforced) 260261

snuggle hitch 216217

Spanish bowline 7879

spar hitch 170

spider knot 228229

spider loop 82

splices 310315

square knot 10

square lashing 264265

stevedore knot 296

stopped loop 61

stoppers 290297, 302, 308309

Strait bend 4647

strangle knot 152

surgeon’s knot 33

surgeon’s loop 82

swing hitch 215

tape knot 2021

Tarbuck knot 83

taut-line hitch 126

Tegis knot 192

tensionless anchor 240

thief knot 13

thumb loop 228229

timber hitch 148

transom knot 276277

trident loop 120121

trilene knot 180

triple crown loop 9495

triple figure-eight loop 8889

triple loop bowline 7273

tripod lashing 274275

trombone loop 228229

trucker’s hitch 128129

true lover’s loop 118

tucked bowline 75

tucked double overhand loop 102103

Turk’s head 278279

Turle knot 206207

twin bowline bend 5657

two half hitches 132

vice versa 5253

wagoner’s hitch 128129

water knot 2021

whippings 306307

wrapped coil 283

Zeppelin bend 3637