A Möbius Snake/Rope. Painting by R. Williams.
1. Nārada sees the water nymphs
2. Bhṛgu takes his son back from the god of death
3. King Vidūratha and King Sindhu wage war
4. King Lavaṇa falls from his horse
5. King Lavaṇa enters the Untouchable village
6. King Lavaṇa returns to the Untouchable village with his court
7. Viṣṇu appears to the Brahmin Gādhi in the pond
8. King Lavaṇa performs a sacrifice in his mind
9. Queen Cūḍālā creates an illusion of herself with a lover
10. The ogress Karkaṭī is instructed by a king
12. The brothers Puṇya and Pāvana discuss rebirth
13. The desires of Vasiṣṭha become personified as demons
14. The god Rudra, with his wife, visits Vasiṣṭha
15. Drawing Hands, by M. C. Escher
16. The gods and demons wage war
2. Lavaṇa and Gādhi: Mutual Similes
3. Hindu and Buddhist Kings and Ascetics
4. One Kind of Indian Universe
7. The Circular Dream in Aeschylus’s Oresteia
8. The Shared Dream, the Mouth of God, the Nested Dream, and the Dreamer Dreamt