References in italic refer to maps and illustrations
abstract thought ref1
Abyssinia (Ethiopia) ref1
Aeneid ref1
Agricultural Revolution ref1
agriculture ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12
Akbar ref1
Albania ref1
Alexander the Great ref1 , ref2
American Civil War ref1
American War of Independence ref1 , ref2
amino acids ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Angkor ref1
Anthropocene ref1
Aquinas, Thomas ref1
Arabs ref1
Arab scholars ref1 , ref2 , ref3
arable farming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Aral Sea ref1
Archaeopteryx ref1
Archimedes ref1
Aristarchus of Samos ref1 , ref2
Aristotle ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Armenian massacres ref1
art ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
arthropods ref1
asexual reproduction ref1
atmosphere ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
atomic bombs ref1 , ref2 , ref3
atoms ref1
Aurangzeb ref1
Australia ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Austro-Hungarian empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Aztecs ref1
Babylon ref1
Babylonian empire ref1
Bacon, Francis ref1
bacteria ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
bacteriological and chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Bangladesh ref1
banking systems ref1 , ref2 , ref3
barter economy ref1
Beauvoir, Simone de ref1
Beowulf ref1
Bible ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Big Bang ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Big Crunch ref1
Big Rip ref1
Bill of Rights ref1
birds ref1
Bismarck, Otto von ref1
bison ref1
Black Death ref1 , ref2 , ref3
black holes ref1
Bolivia ref1
Bosnia ref1
Boxer Rising ref1
Boyle, Robert ref1
Boyne Valley tombs ref1
brain size and capacity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Bretton Woods system ref1
brewing ref1
BRICS countries ref1
Britain ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20
Burgess Shale ref1
Burma (Myanmar) ref1
Byzantine empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3
calendars ref1
Cambrian explosion ref1
camelids ref1
capitalism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
carbohydrates ref1
carbon dioxide ref1 , ref2 , ref3
carbon emissions ref1
carbon sinks ref1
carnivorous animals ref1 , ref2
Çatal Höyük ref1
cavalry ref1
Caxton, William ref1
cells ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Celts ref1
Chang’an (Xi’an) ref1
Charlemagne ref1
Chernobyl disaster ref1
Chichen Itza ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
China ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21 , ref22 , ref23 , ref24 , ref25 , ref26 , ref27 , ref28 , ref29 , ref30 , ref31 , ref32 , ref33 , ref34
Chinese inventions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Christianity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Churchill, Winston ref1
cities and towns, growth of ref1 , ref2
civilizing mission ref1 , ref2
cloning ref1
cloud computing ref1
coal and coke ref1 , ref2 , ref3
coinage ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
colonialism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Columbus, Christopher ref1 , ref2
communism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7
computers ref1
Confucianism ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Constantinople (Istanbul) ref1 , ref2 , ref3
consumerism ref1
contraception ref1 , ref2 , ref3
cooking ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Copnicus, Nicolaus ref1
copper ref1
craft guilds ref1
creation narratives ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Crick, Francis ref1
crime and punishment ref1
Croatia ref1
Crusades ref1
Cuba ref1
Cuban Missile Crisis ref1
Cubism ref1
cultural isolationism ref1
cultural relativism ref1
cuneiform script ref1
currency markets ref1
cyanobacteria ref1
cyberspace ref1
Czechoslovakia ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Dalí, Salvador ref1
Dark Ages, European ref1
dark energy ref1
dark matter ref1
debt and debt remission ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Declaration of Independence ref1 , ref2
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ref1
decomposers ref1
Deere, John ref1
deforestation ref1
deism ref1
Democratic Republic of Congo ref1
Dias, Bartolomeu ref1
Diderot, Denis ref1
diseases and pandemics ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
DNA ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11
dogs ref1
Draco’s code ref1
drug resistance ref1
Dvorák, Antonin ref1
earthquakes ref1
East and West Germany ref1 , ref2
economic globalization ref1
economic growth ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
economic liberalism ref1
economic protectionism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
economic recessions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
education ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Egyptians, ancient ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Eisenhower, Dwight D. ref1 , ref2
elephants ref1
Eliot, T.S. ref1
email ref1
Empedocles ref1
empires ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
enclosure system ref1
energy pathway ref1
Engels, Friedrich ref1
Enigma code ref1
Enlightenment ref1 , ref2 , ref3
environmental problems ref1
enzymes ref1
epics ref1
epigenetics ref1
Eratosthenes ref1
ethnic cleansing ref1
Euclid ref1
eukaryotic cells ref1
European Common Market ref1
European Union ref1
evolution ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
extinctions ref1 , ref2 , ref.3 , ref4 , ref5
extraterrestrial life ref1 , ref2
Facebook ref1
family structures ref1
farming see agriculture
Fertile Crescent ref1
financial sector, global ref1
fire ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
First World War ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Fleming, Alexander ref1
Foch, Marshal Ferdinand ref1
food preserving ref1
food surpluses ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
fossil fuels ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
foundation myths ref1
four elements, theory of ref1 , ref2
Franc Ferdinand, Archduke ref1
France ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13
free market ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Fukushima nuclear power station disaster ref1
Futurism ref1
galaxies ref1
Galen ref1
Galileo Galilei ref1
Gama, Vasca da ref1
General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) ref1
genetic engineering ref1
genetically modified crops ref1
genetics ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
geometry ref1
geothermal power ref1
Germany ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14
glasnost and perestroika ref1
global warming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
globalization ref1
golden mean ref1
Goldilocks Zone ref1
Gondwanaland ref1
the good life ref1
Gorbachev, Mikhail ref1
gravity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Great Depression ref1
Great Exhibition, 1851 ref1
‘great man’ version of history ref1
Greece ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
green revolution ref1
gulag ref1
gunpowder ref1
Gutenberg, Johannes ref1
Hammurabi, Code of ref1
Hangzhou ref1
Hannibal ref1
heliocentric theory ref1 , ref2
Henry of Portugal ref1
hill forts ref1
Hinduism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Hiroshima ref1
histories ref1
Hitler, Adolf ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Hobbes, Thomas ref1
Holocaust ref1
Holy League ref1
Homo erectus ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Homo heidelbergensis ref1 , ref2
Homo sapiens ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
homophobia ref1
homosexuality ref1
horses ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Hubble, Edwin ref1
Huguenots ref1
human rights ref1
Hume, David ref1
Hungary ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Huns ref1
hunter-gatherers ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11
hydrothermal vents ref1
Ibn Battuta ref1
ice ages ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
ichythyosaurs ref1
idealism ref1
igneous rock ref1
imperialism, Western ref1
Incas ref1
India ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17
Indonesia ref1
Industrial Revolution ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
industrialization ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9
inflation ref1
information revolution ref1
instinctive behaviours ref1
insulin ref1
International Monetary Fund ref1
internationalism ref1
Irish Travellers ref1
Iron Curtain ref1
Islam ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10
Israel ref1
Italy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
James I of England (VI of Scotland) ref1 , ref2
Japan ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11
jazz ref1
Jericho ref1
Jesus Christ ref1
Joyce, James ref1
Judeo-Christian worldview ref1 , ref2
Jupiter ref1
Kafka, Franz ref1
Kenya ref1
Kepler, Johannes ref1
Keynes, John Maynard ref1 , ref2
kingship, divine nature of ref1
Kyoto Protocol ref1
lactose intolerance ref1 , ref2
land ownership ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
landscape formation ref1
language acquisition ref1
Latvia ref1
Laurasia ref1
law and legal systems ref1 , ref2
Law of the Twelve Tables ref1
lawof motion ref1
Le Corbusier ref1
Lebanon ref1
Levellers ref1
light years ref1
Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel ref1 , ref2
lipids ref1
literacy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
literature ref1
livestock farming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Livy ref1
llamas ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Locke, John ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Long Boom ref1
Louis XIV of France ref1
Luther, Martin ref1
Macedonian empire ref1
Maes Howe ref1
Magna Carta ref1
Magritte, René ref1
Magyars ref1
Manhattan Project ref1
Mao Zedong ref1
Marinetti, Filippo ref1
Mars ref1
marsupials ref1
materialism ref1
mathematics ref1 , ref2 , ref3
matriarchal societies ref1
Mayans ref1
meat consumption ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
medical advances ref1 , ref2 , ref3
megafauna ref1
memes ref1
Mendel, Gregor ref1
mental illness ref1
mercantilism ref1
Mercury ref1
Mesopotamia (Iraq) ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
metalworking ref1 , ref2 , ref3
metamorphic rock ref1
Mexico ref1
migrations ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
military service ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
military–industrial complexes ref1
Milky Way ref1
Minoan culture ref1
MINT countries ref1
modernism ref1
Mogadishu ref1
Mombasa ref1
monotremes ref1
Moon ref1
More, Thomas ref1
mountain ranges ref1
Mughal empire ref1
Muhammad ref1
mutually assured destruction (M.A.D.) ref1
Mycenaean culture ref1
Nagasaki ref1
Namibia ref1
nanotechnology ref1
Napoleonic Wars ref1
nation-states ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
nationalism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
NATO ref1
natural selection ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Nazism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7
Neanderthals ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7
Neo-Assyrian empire ref1
neo-imperialism ref1
Neptune ref1
neutron bomb ref1
neutron stars ref1
New Deal ref1
New World exploration ref1 , ref2
new world order ref1
Newgrange ref1
Newton, Isaac ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Nigeria ref1
Nippur ref1
nomads ref1
see also hunter-gatherers
North Korea ref1
nuclear energy ref1 , ref2 , ref3
nuclear fusion ref1
nuclear proliferation ref1
nuclear weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3
obsidian ref1
Odyssey ref1
oil spills ref1
omnivores ref1
organ transplants ref1
organelles ref1
Ottoman Turks ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Ötzi the Iceman ref1
Owen, Robert ref1
oxen ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
oxygen ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
Pakistan ref1
Palaeolithic period ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Palestine ref1
Pangaea ref1
Paracelsus ref1
Pearl Harbor ref1
peasant revolts ref1
Peloponnesian War ref1
penicillin ref1
Pentateuch ref1
Penzias, Arno ref1
performance-enhancing drugs ref1
Persian empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3
philosophy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
photosynthesis ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
phytoplankton ref1
Picasso, Pablo ref1
placental mammals ref1 , ref2 , ref3
planets ref1
plantation economy ref1
plastic surgery ref1
Plato ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Pleistocene epoch ref1
Plutarch ref1
Poland ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7
polygamy ref1
Polynesians ref1
polytheism ref1
population growth ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Porsmose Man ref1
Portugal ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
postcolonialism ref1
power hierarchies ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5
printing ref1
producers and consumers ref1
prokaryotic cells ref1
Protestant Reformation ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
protozoans ref1
pterosaurs ref1
public health ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Pythagoras ref1
quantum theory ref1
quarks ref1
Ramayana 125, ref1
Reagan, Ronald ref1
reality, nature of ref1
Reconquista ref1
refrigeration ref1
refugees ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
relativity theory ref1
reproduction ref1 , ref2 , ref3
reptiles ref1
resources, diminishing ref1
restorative justice ref1
retributive justice ref1
revolutions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Risorgimento ref1
RNA ref1
Robespierre, Maximilien ref1
rock cycle ref1
Roma ref1
Roman Catholic Church ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9
Roman empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Romania ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Romans ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ref1
Royal Society of London ref1
rubber ref1
Russia/Soviet Union ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21
Saint-Simon, Henri de ref1
salt ref1
samsara (reincarnation) ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Sarajevo assassination ref1
Sargon ref1
Saturn ref1
Schoenberg, Arnold ref1
scientific method ref1
Scientific Revolution ref1 , ref2
Second World War ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9
secularization ref1
sedimentary rocks ref1
selective breeding ref1
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks ref1
serfdom ref1
Seven Years War ref1
sexual reproduction ref1 , ref2
shamanism ref1
Shang dynasty tombs ref1
sickle-cell anaemia ref1
slavery ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
smelting technology ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Smith, Adam ref1 , ref2 , ref3
social stratification ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
Socrates ref1
solar system ref1
South Africa ref1
South Korea ref1
South Sea Bubble ref1
Soviet Union see Russia/Soviet Union
space race ref1
Spain ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Spanish Civil War ref1
Spanish flu epidemic ref1
Stalin, Joseph ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Star Wars satellite defence system ref1
steady state theory ref1
steam power ref1 , ref2 , ref3
steel ref1
Step Pyramid of Djoser Age ref1
Stone Age ref1
Stonehenge ref1
Stravinsky, Igor ref1
subsistence farming ref1 , ref2
suburbanization ref1
Sumerians ref1
Sun ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
supernovae ref1
surgery ref1
Surrealism ref1
survival of the fittest ref1 , ref2
Switzerland ref1
Tacitus ref1
Tambora, Mount ref1
tea plantations ref1
technological development ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
telegraphy ref1
telephone ref1
Ten Commandments ref1
Teotihuacan ref1 , ref2 , ref3
tetrapods ref1
thecopods ref1
Thirty Years War ref1
Thucydides ref1
tidal power ref1
Timbuktu ref1
time divisions ref1
timelines ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6
tin ref1
tool-making and tool use ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10
totalitarianism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
trade and trade routes ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13
transhumanism ref1
Transjordan ref1
trench warfare ref1
tribal societies ref1 , ref2 , ref3
trilobites ref1
Trojan War ref1
Tuareg ref1
Tulipomania ref1
Tull, Jethro ref1
Turkey ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9
United Nations ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
Ur-Nammu, Code of ref1
Uranus ref1
urbanization ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8
Uruk ref1
USA ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21 , ref22
usury ref1
vaccines ref1
vegetative reproduction ref1
Venus (planet) ref1
Versailles, Treaty of ref1 , ref2
vertebrates ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Vesalius, Andreas ref1
Vietnam War ref1 , ref2 , ref3
Virgil ref1
Visigoths ref1
volcanic eruptions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4
voting rights ref1
voyages of exploration ref1
warrior elites ref1
Warsaw Pact ref1
waste, disposal of ref1 , ref2 , ref3
water consumption ref1
Watson, James ref1
Watt, James ref1
weapons, primitive ref1
Wegener, Alfred ref1
wheat currency ref1
Wilson, Robert ref1
World Bank ref1
World Wide Web ref1
writing systems ref1
Yousafzal, Malala ref1
YouTube ref1
Zheng He ref1
Zoroastrianism ref1