References in italic refer to maps and illustrations


abstract thought ref1

Abyssinia (Ethiopia) ref1

acid rain ref1 , ref2

Aeneid ref1

Afghanistan ref1 , ref2

Agricultural Revolution ref1

agriculture ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12

Akbar ref1

Albania ref1

Alexander the Great ref1 , ref2

Alexandria ref1 , ref2

alphabets ref1 , ref2

American Civil War ref1

American War of Independence ref1 , ref2

amino acids ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

amphibians ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Angkor ref1


animal culture ref1

cold-blooded ref1

consciousness ref1

domestication ref1 , ref2 , ref3

draught animals ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

extinctions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

livestock ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

reproduction ref1

vocalization ref1

warm-blooded ref1 , ref2

Anthropocene ref1

antibiotics ref1 , ref2

apes ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Aquinas, Thomas ref1

Arabs ref1

Arab scholars ref1 , ref2 , ref3

arable farming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Aral Sea ref1

Archaeopteryx ref1

Archimedes ref1

architecture ref1 , ref2

Aristarchus of Samos ref1 , ref2

Aristotle ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Armenian massacres ref1

arms race ref1 , ref2

art ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

arthropods ref1

asexual reproduction ref1

Asoka the Great ref1 , ref2

asteroids ref1 , ref2

atmosphere ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

atomic bombs ref1 , ref2 , ref3

atoms ref1

Aurangzeb ref1

Australia ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Austro-Hungarian empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

aviation ref1 , ref2

Aztecs ref1


Babylon ref1

Babylonian empire ref1

Bacon, Francis ref1

bacteria ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

bacteriological and chemical weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Bangladesh ref1

banking systems ref1 , ref2 , ref3

barter economy ref1

Beauvoir, Simone de ref1

Belgium ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Beowulf ref1

Berlin Wall ref1 , ref2

Bible ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8

Big Bang ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Big Crunch ref1

Big Rip ref1

Bill of Rights ref1

bioscience ref1 , ref2

bipedalism ref1 , ref2

birds ref1

Bismarck, Otto von ref1

bison ref1

Black Death ref1 , ref2 , ref3

black holes ref1

blasphemy ref1 , ref2

Bolivia ref1

Bolsheviks ref1 , ref2 , ref3

bonobos ref1 , ref2

Bosnia ref1

Boxer Rising ref1

Boyle, Robert ref1

Boyne Valley tombs ref1

brain size and capacity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Brazil ref1 , ref2

Bretton Woods system ref1

brewing ref1

BRICS countries ref1

Britain ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20

British empire ref1 , ref2

Bronze Age ref1 , ref2

Buddhism ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Bulgaria ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Burgess Shale ref1

burial practices ref1 , ref2

Burma (Myanmar) ref1

Byzantine empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3


calendars ref1

Cambrian explosion ref1

camelids ref1

canals ref1 ,ref2

capitalism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

carbohydrates ref1

carbon ref1 , ref2

carbon dioxide ref1 , ref2 , ref3

carbon emissions ref1

carbon sinks ref1

carnivorous animals ref1 , ref2

Çatal Höyük ref1

cavalry ref1

Caxton, William ref1

cells ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Celts ref1

Chang’an (Xi’an) ref1

chariots ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Charlemagne ref1

Chernobyl disaster ref1

Chichen Itza ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

China ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21 , ref22 , ref23 , ref24 , ref25 , ref26 , ref27 , ref28 , ref29 , ref30 , ref31 , ref32 , ref33 , ref34

Chinese inventions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Christianity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8

Churchill, Winston ref1

cities and towns, growth of ref1 , ref2

civil service ref1 , ref2

civilizing mission ref1 , ref2

clan systems ref1 , ref2

cloning ref1

clothing ref1 , ref2

cloud computing ref1

coal and coke ref1 , ref2 , ref3

coinage ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Cold War ref1 , ref2 , ref3

colonialism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Columbus, Christopher ref1 , ref2

communism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7

compass ref1 , ref2

computers ref1

Confucianism ref1 , ref2 , ref3

consciousness ref1 , ref2

Constantinople (Istanbul) ref1 , ref2 , ref3

consumerism ref1

continental drift ref1 , ref2

contraception ref1 , ref2 , ref3

cooking ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Copnicus, Nicolaus ref1

copper ref1

cosmology ref1 , ref2

craft guilds ref1

creation narratives ref1 , ref2 , ref3

credit systems ref1 , ref2

Crick, Francis ref1

crime and punishment ref1

Croatia ref1

Crusades ref1

Cuba ref1

Cuban Missile Crisis ref1

Cubism ref1

cultural isolationism ref1

cultural relativism ref1

culture ref1 , ref2 , ref3

cuneiform script ref1

currency markets ref1

cyanobacteria ref1

cyberspace ref1

Czechoslovakia ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5


Dalí, Salvador ref1

Daoism ref1 , ref2

Dark Ages, European ref1

dark energy ref1

dark matter ref1

Darwin, Charles ref1 , ref2

debt and debt remission ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Declaration of Independence ref1 , ref2

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen ref1

decomposers ref1

Deere, John ref1

deforestation ref1

deism ref1

Democratic Republic of Congo ref1

Democritus ref1 , ref2 , ref3

desertification ref1 , ref2

Dias, Bartolomeu ref1

Diderot, Denis ref1

dinosaurs ref1 , ref2 , ref3

diseases and pandemics ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

DNA ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11

dogs ref1

Draco’s code ref1

drug resistance ref1

Dvorák, Antonin ref1


Earth ref1 , ref2 , ref3

earthquakes ref1

East and West Germany ref1 , ref2

Ebola virus ref1 , ref2

economic globalization ref1

economic growth ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

economic liberalism ref1

economic protectionism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

economic recessions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

education ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Egyptians, ancient ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Einstein, Albert ref1 - ref2

Eisenhower, Dwight D. ref1 , ref2

elephants ref1

Eliot, T.S. ref1

email ref1

Empedocles ref1

empires ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

enclosure system ref1

energy pathway ref1

Engels, Friedrich ref1

English Civil War ref1 , ref2

Enigma code ref1

Enlightenment ref1 , ref2 , ref3

environmental problems ref1

enzymes ref1

Epic of Gilgamesh ref1 , ref2

epics ref1

epigenetics ref1

Eratosthenes ref1

Estonia ref1 , ref2

ethnic cleansing ref1

Euclid ref1

eukaryotic cells ref1

European Common Market ref1

European Union ref1

evolution ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

extinctions ref1 , ref2 , ref.3 , ref4 , ref5

extraterrestrial life ref1 , ref2


Facebook ref1

factory system ref1 , ref2

family structures ref1

farming see agriculture

fascism ref1 , ref2

Fertile Crescent ref1

feudalism ref1 , ref2

financial sector, global ref1

Finland ref1 , ref2

fire ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

First World War ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8

fish ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Fleming, Alexander ref1

Foch, Marshal Ferdinand ref1

food chains ref1 , ref2

food preserving ref1

food surpluses ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

forest gardening ref1 , ref2

fossil fuels ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

fossils ref1 , ref2 , ref3

foundation myths ref1

four elements, theory of ref1 , ref2

Franc Ferdinand, Archduke ref1

France ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13

Franco, Francesco ref1 , ref2

free market ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

French Revolution ref1 , ref2

Freud, Sigmund ref1 , ref2

Fukushima nuclear power station disaster ref1

Futurism ref1


galaxies ref1

Galen ref1

Galileo Galilei ref1

Gama, Vasca da ref1

gender equality ref1 , ref2

General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) ref1

genetic engineering ref1

genetically modified crops ref1

genetics ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Genghis Khan ref1 , ref2

genocide ref1 , ref2 , ref3

geometry ref1

geopolitics ref1 , ref2

geothermal power ref1

Germany ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14

glasnost and perestroika ref1

global warming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

globalization ref1

glucose ref1 , ref2 , ref3

golden mean ref1

Goldilocks Zone ref1

Gondwanaland ref1

the good life ref1

Gorbachev, Mikhail ref1

grave goods ref1 , ref2

gravity ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Great Depression ref1

Great Exhibition, 1851 ref1

‘great man’ version of history ref1

Greece ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

green revolution ref1

greenhouse gases ref1 , ref2

gulag ref1

gunpowder ref1

Gutenberg, Johannes ref1


Habsburg dynasty ref1 , ref2

Hammurabi, Code of ref1

Hangzhou ref1

Hannibal ref1

happiness ref1 , ref2

heliocentric theory ref1 , ref2

Henry of Portugal ref1

herbivores ref1 , ref2 , ref3

heredity ref1 , ref2

Herodotus ref1 , ref2

hill forts ref1

Hinduism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Hiroshima ref1

histories ref1

Hitler, Adolf ref1 , ref2 , ref3

HIV/AIDS ref1 , ref2

Hobbes, Thomas ref1

Holocaust ref1

Holy League ref1

Homer ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Homo erectus ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Homo habilis ref1 , ref2

Homo heidelbergensis ref1 , ref2

Homo sapiens ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

homophobia ref1

homosexuality ref1

horses ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Hubble, Edwin ref1

Huguenots ref1

human rights ref1

humanism ref1 , ref2


early ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9

future of humanity ref1

line between human and non-human ref1

Hume, David ref1

Hungary ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Huns ref1

hunter-gatherers ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11

hydroelectricity ref1 , ref2

hydrogen ref1 , ref2 , ref3

hydrogen bomb ref1 , ref2

hydrothermal vents ref1


Ibn Battuta ref1

ice ages ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

ichythyosaurs ref1

idealism ref1

igneous rock ref1

Iliad ref1 , ref2 , ref3

imperialism, Western ref1

Incas ref1

Incense Route ref1 , ref2

India ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17

Indonesia ref1

Industrial Revolution ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

industrialization ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9

inflation ref1

information revolution ref1

instinctive behaviours ref1

insulin ref1

International Monetary Fund ref1

internationalism ref1

Internet ref1 , ref2

invertebrates ref1 , ref2

Iran ref1 , ref2

Iraq ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Ireland ref1 , ref2

Irish Travellers ref1

iron ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Iron Age ref1 , ref2

Iron Curtain ref1

Islam ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10

Israel ref1

Italy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8


James I of England (VI of Scotland) ref1 , ref2

Japan ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11

jazz ref1

Jericho ref1

Jesus Christ ref1

Jews ref1 , ref2

Joyce, James ref1

Judeo-Christian worldview ref1 , ref2

Judaism ref1 , ref2

Jupiter ref1


Kafka, Franz ref1

Kenya ref1

Kepler, Johannes ref1

Keynes, John Maynard ref1 , ref2

kingship, divine nature of ref1

kinship ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Korean War ref1 , ref2

Kublai Khan ref1 , ref2

Kyoto Protocol ref1


lactose intolerance ref1 , ref2

land ownership ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

landscape formation ref1

language acquisition ref1

Latvia ref1

Laurasia ref1

law and legal systems ref1 , ref2

Law of the Twelve Tables ref1

lawof motion ref1

Le Corbusier ref1

League of Nations ref1 , ref2

Lebanon ref1

Lenin, Vladimir ref1 , ref2

Levellers ref1

life ref1 , ref2

light years ref1

Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel ref1 , ref2

lipids ref1

literacy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

literature ref1

epics ref1

modernist ref1 , ref2

Lithuania ref1 , ref2

livestock farming ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Livy ref1

llamas ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Locke, John ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Long Boom ref1

Louis XIV of France ref1

Luther, Martin ref1


Macedonian empire ref1

Madagascar ref1 , ref2

Maes Howe ref1

magma ref1 , ref2

Magna Carta ref1

Magritte, René ref1

Magyars ref1

malnutrition ref1 , ref2

mammals ref1 , ref2

Manchuria ref1 , ref2

Manhattan Project ref1

manufacturing ref1 , ref2

Mao Zedong ref1

Marinetti, Filippo ref1

Mars ref1

marsupials ref1

Marx, Karl ref1 , ref2

mass extinctions ref1 , ref2

materialism ref1

mathematics ref1 , ref2 , ref3

matriarchal societies ref1

Mauryan empire ref1 , ref2

Mayans ref1

meat consumption ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

medical advances ref1 , ref2 , ref3

megafauna ref1

memes ref1

Mendel, Gregor ref1

mental illness ref1

mercantilism ref1

merchants ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Mercury ref1

Mesopotamia (Iraq) ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

metalworking ref1 , ref2 , ref3

metamorphic rock ref1

methane ref1 , ref2

Mexico ref1

mid-ocean ridges ref1 , ref2

migrations ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

military service ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

military–industrial complexes ref1

Milky Way ref1

Minoan culture ref1

MINT countries ref1

modernism ref1

Mogadishu ref1

Mombasa ref1

money ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Mongols ref1 , ref2

monotheism ref1 , ref2

monotremes ref1

Moon ref1

More, Thomas ref1

mountain ranges ref1

Mughal empire ref1

Muhammad ref1

music ref1 , ref2

Mussolini, Benito ref1 , ref2

mutually assured destruction (M.A.D.) ref1

Mycenaean culture ref1


Nagasaki ref1

Namibia ref1

nanotechnology ref1

Napoleonic Wars ref1

nation-states ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

nationalism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

NATO ref1

natural selection ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Nazism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7

Neanderthals ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7

nebulae ref1 , ref2

Neo-Assyrian empire ref1

neo-imperialism ref1

Neolithic period ref1 , ref2

Neptune ref1

Netherlands ref1 , ref2

neutron bomb ref1

neutron stars ref1

New Deal ref1

New World exploration ref1 , ref2

new world order ref1

New Zealand ref1 , ref2

Newgrange ref1

Newton, Isaac ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Nigeria ref1

Nippur ref1

nomads ref1

see also hunter-gatherers

Normans ref1 , ref2

North Korea ref1

nuclear energy ref1 , ref2 , ref3

nuclear fusion ref1

nuclear proliferation ref1

nuclear weapons ref1 , ref2 , ref3

number systems ref1 , ref2


obsidian ref1

Odyssey ref1

oil industry ref1 , ref2

oil spills ref1

omnivores ref1

organ transplants ref1

organelles ref1

Ottoman Turks ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

Ötzi the Iceman ref1

Owen, Robert ref1

oxen ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

oxygen ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

ozone layer ref1 , ref2


Pakistan ref1

Palaeolithic period ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Palestine ref1

Pangaea ref1

paper money ref1 , ref2

Paracelsus ref1

pastoralists ref1 , ref2

patriarchy ref1 , ref2

Pearl Harbor ref1

peasant revolts ref1

Peloponnesian War ref1

penicillin ref1

Pentateuch ref1

Penzias, Arno ref1

performance-enhancing drugs ref1

Persian empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Petrarch ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Philippines ref1 , ref2

philosophy ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

photosynthesis ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

phytoplankton ref1

Picasso, Pablo ref1

placental mammals ref1 , ref2 , ref3

plague ref1 , ref2 , ref3

planets ref1

plantation economy ref1


primitive ref1

reproduction ref1 , ref2

plastic surgery ref1

plate tectonics ref1 , ref2

Plato ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Pleistocene epoch ref1

ploughing ref1 , ref2

Plutarch ref1

poetry ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Poland ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7

pollution ref1 , ref2

Polo, Marco ref1 , ref2

polygamy ref1

Polynesians ref1

polytheism ref1

population growth ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Porsmose Man ref1

Portugal ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

postcolonialism ref1

pottery ref1 , ref2

power hierarchies ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5

priesthood ref1 , ref2 , ref3

primates ref1 , ref2

printing ref1

producers and consumers ref1

prokaryotic cells ref1

proteins ref1 , ref2

Protestant Reformation ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

protozoans ref1

psychology ref1 , ref2

pterosaurs ref1

Ptolemy ref1 , ref2

public health ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Pythagoras ref1


quantum theory ref1

quarks ref1


railways ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Ramayana 125, ref1

Reagan, Ronald ref1

reality, nature of ref1

Reconquista ref1

refrigeration ref1

refugees ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

relativity theory ref1

religion ref1 , ref2

monotheism ref1 , ref2

polytheism ref1

religious fundamentalism ref1 , ref2

religious persecution ref1

religious toleration ref1

Renaissance ref1 , ref2

reproduction ref1 , ref2 , ref3

reptiles ref1

resources, diminishing ref1

restorative justice ref1

retributive justice ref1

revolutions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Ring of Brodgar ref1 , ref2

Risorgimento ref1

ritual centres ref1 , ref2

river transport ref1 , ref2

RNA ref1

road systems ref1 , ref2

Robespierre, Maximilien ref1

rock cycle ref1

rock paintings ref1 , ref2

Roma ref1

Roman Catholic Church ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9

Roman empire ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Romania ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

Romans ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques ref1

Royal Society of London ref1

rubber ref1

Russia/Soviet Union ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21

Rwandan genocide ref1 , ref2


Saint-Simon, Henri de ref1

salt ref1

samsara (reincarnation) ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Sarajevo assassination ref1

Sargon ref1

Saturn ref1

Saudi Arabia ref1 , ref2

Schoenberg, Arnold ref1

science ref1 , ref2

scientific method ref1

Scientific Revolution ref1 , ref2

sea levels ref1 , ref2

Second World War ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9

secularization ref1

sedimentary rocks ref1

selective breeding ref1

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks ref1

Serbia ref1 , ref2 , ref3

serfdom ref1

Seven Years War ref1

sexual behaviour ref1 , ref2

sexual reproduction ref1 , ref2

shamanism ref1

Shang dynasty tombs ref1

shell money ref1 , ref2

shelters, early ref1 , ref2

sickle-cell anaemia ref1

Silk Road ref1 , ref2

slavery ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

smelting technology ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Smith, Adam ref1 , ref2 , ref3

social contract ref1 , ref2

social stratification ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

socialism ref1 , ref2

Socrates ref1

solar radiation ref1 , ref2

solar system ref1

South Africa ref1

South Korea ref1

South Sea Bubble ref1

Soviet Union see Russia/Soviet Union

space race ref1

Spain ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Spanish Civil War ref1

Spanish flu epidemic ref1

sponges ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Stalin, Joseph ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Star Wars satellite defence system ref1

stars ref1 , ref2 , ref3

steady state theory ref1

steam power ref1 , ref2 , ref3

steel ref1

Step Pyramid of Djoser Age ref1

Stone Age ref1

Stonehenge ref1

Stravinsky, Igor ref1

subsistence farming ref1 , ref2

suburbanization ref1

Sumerians ref1

Sun ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8

supernovae ref1

surgery ref1

Surrealism ref1

survival of the fittest ref1 , ref2

Switzerland ref1

Syria ref1 , ref2


Tacitus ref1

Tambora, Mount ref1

taxation ref1 , ref2 , ref3

tea plantations ref1

technological development ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

telegraphy ref1

telephone ref1

temples ref1 , ref2

Ten Commandments ref1

Teotihuacan ref1 , ref2 , ref3

tetrapods ref1

thecopods ref1

Thirty Years War ref1

Thucydides ref1

tidal power ref1

Timbuktu ref1

time divisions ref1

timelines ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6

tin ref1

tool-making and tool use ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10

totalitarianism ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

trade and trade routes ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13

trade unions ref1 , ref2

transhumanism ref1

Transjordan ref1

transport ref1 , ref2

trench warfare ref1

tribal societies ref1 , ref2 , ref3

trilobites ref1

Trojan War ref1

Tuareg ref1

tuberculosis (TB) ref1 , ref2

Tulipomania ref1

Tull, Jethro ref1

Turkey ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9


United Nations ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4


end of ref1

expansion of ref1 , ref2 , ref3

size of ref1

Ur-Nammu, Code of ref1

Uranus ref1

urbanization ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8

Uruk ref1

USA ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4 , ref5 , ref6 , ref7 , ref8 , ref9 , ref10 , ref11 , ref12 , ref13 , ref14 , ref15 , ref16 , ref17 , ref18 , ref19 , ref20 , ref21 , ref22

usury ref1


vaccines ref1

vegetative reproduction ref1

Venus (planet) ref1

Venus figurines ref1 , ref2

Versailles, Treaty of ref1 , ref2

vertebrates ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Vesalius, Andreas ref1

Vietnam War ref1 , ref2 , ref3

Vikings ref1 , ref2

Virgil ref1

Visigoths ref1

volcanic eruptions ref1 , ref2 , ref3 , ref4

Voltaire ref1 , ref2 , ref3

voting rights ref1

voyages of exploration ref1


wage labour ref1 , ref2

Wall Street Crash ref1 , ref2


ancient ref1 , ref2 , ref3

total war ref1 , ref2

warrior elites ref1

Warsaw Pact ref1

waste, disposal of ref1 , ref2 , ref3

water ref1 , ref2 , ref3

water buffalo ref1 , ref2

water consumption ref1

water vapour ref1 , ref2

Watson, James ref1

Watt, James ref1

weapons, primitive ref1

Wegener, Alfred ref1

wheat currency ref1

wheel ref1 , ref2

Wilson, Robert ref1

Wilson, Woodrow ref1 , ref2

World Bank ref1

World Wide Web ref1

writing systems ref1


Yousafzal, Malala ref1

YouTube ref1

Yugoslavia ref1 , ref2 , ref3


Zheng He ref1

Zoroastrianism ref1