1.2 United States President Donald Trump wearing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat. The phrase recalls an unspecified idealised past—a fascistic palingenetic tendency. Windover Way Photography/Shutterstock.com
1.3 Supporters of the far-right Golden Dawn party celebrate after the early election results at their offices in Thessaloniki, Greece on 17 June 2012. The group uses a ‘meander’ design to recall ancient Greece, which is also reminiscent of the swastika, another appropriated meander design. Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock.com
1.5 Statue of El Cid in Burgos, Spain. Botond Horvath/Shutterstock.com
1.6 The secretary general of the Vox extreme right party, Javier Ortega Smith, in Pamplona, Spain places a Spanish flag on the lectern in November 2018. MiguelOses/Shutterstock.com
4.1 Marine Le Pen standing in front of a golden statue of Joan of Arc during her meeting for the celebration in Paris, France on 1 May 2011. Frederic Legrand—COMEO/Shutterstock.com
4.2 Women members lead a 1928 Ku Klux Klan parade on Pennsylvania Avenue. Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com
5.1 Spanish Republican miliciana on watch in the bell tower of a church in a village in the Aragón region. Everett Historical/Shutterstock.com
7.1 Alexander Dugin at a press conference in Bucharest on 5 April 2017. LCV/Shutterstock.com
9.1 A statue of Robert E. Lee in Emancipation Park in Charlottesville, Virginia on 14 July 2017. The site has been the target of repeated white nationalist protests. Katherine Welles/Shutterstock.com
11.1 Young African father with daughter in arms during an anti-fascist parade organised in Savona, Italy on 15 October 2017. Brothers Art/Shutterstock.com
12.1 Jair Bolsonaro during participation in the Unica Forum on 18 June 2018. Marcelo Chello/Shutterstock.com
14.1 Photos of participants of the Past Continues project, sharing their histories. More information about the ‘Past Continues - Shared Narratives’ initiative is on the project’s website at https://pastcontinues.org. Image courtesy authors
15.1 ‘Fashwave’ meme featuring a Black Sun. Image created by anonymous
16.1 Richard Spencer (far left), and Daniel Friberg (far right) during a white nationalist rally Charlottesville, Virginia on 12 August 2017 that turned violent resulting in one death and multiple injuries. Kim Kelley-Wagner/Shutterstock.com
16.2 Identity Evropa, the US-based branch of the Generation Identity movement, waves its flags next to confederate flags at the white nationalist ‘Unite the Right’ rally organised by Richard Spencer in Charlottesville, Virginia on 12 August 2017. White supremacist James Alex Fields was found guilty of killing counter-protester Heather Heyer with an automobile at the rally. Kim Kelley-Wagner/Shutterstock.com
17.1 Crowd waves Canadian queer pride flags while watching floats at Toronto Pride Parade on 3 July 2016. Shawn Goldberg/Shutterstock.com