1. The Struggle for Independence, 1763–1789
2. Trade Policy for the New Nation, 1789–1816
3. Sectional Conflict and Crisis, 1816–1833
4. Tariff Peace and Civil War, 1833–1865
5. The Failure of Tariff Reform, 1865–1890
6. Protectionism Entrenched, 1890–1912
7. Policy Reversals and Drift, 1912–1928
8. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff and the Great Depression, 1928–1932
9. The New Deal and Reciprocal Trade Agreements, 1932–1943
10. Creating a Multilateral Trading System, 1943–1950
11. New Order and New Stresses, 1950–1979
12. Trade Shocks and Response, 1979–1992