
401(k), 26, 38, 96, 264, 293

addiction, 40, 91, 195

physiology of, 91

rational, 41

adverse selection, 166

advertising, 34, 52, 65, 198

Agell, Jonas, 168

Akerlof, George, 162, 189

Allais, Maurice, 116

analysis: normative, 14, 31, 81, 117, 145, 295

Andreoni, James, 58, 66

Arrow, Kenneth, 196, 223

Asch, Solomon, 100

“as-if” interpretation, 24

attribution theory, 245

availability heuristic, 203

Ayres, Ian, 145, 300

Becker, Gary, 42, 195

behavior: dynamically inconsistent, 30

prosocial, 296

behavioral anomalies, 12

Benabou, Roland, 37, 243, 295

Benartzi, Schlomo, 96

Bernheim, Douglas, 7, 10, 23, 43, 67, 81, 152

Bertrand, Marianne, 246

Bewley, Truman, 158, 188, 239, 298

bias: “law of small numbers”, 204

group-based, 121, 138

hindsight, 124, 132, 245

implicit, 122

optimism, 123

racial, 121, 138

self-serving, 102, 123, 130

Blader, Steven, 181

Blinder, Alan, 167

Bolton, Gary, 13

bounded rationality, 121, 145, 223, 281

Brumberg, Richard, 20

Camerer, Colin, 3, 13, 64, 240, 256, 283

Campbell, Carl, 167

Case, Anne, 113

Choi, Don, 167

Choi, James, 24, 26

choice: dynamically inconsistent, 27

inefficient, 26

Christakis, Nicholas, 233

citizenship: organizational, 177

Coase Theorem, 117

cognitive: ability, 110

economics, 256

economy, 281

error, 5, 146, 196

heuristics, 109

mechanism, 48

process, 28, 47

therapy, 44

coherent preference, 11

commitment, 90–91, 133, 260, 265

device, 92, 113–14

problem, 114

consumer protection law, 134

consumption, 23

context, 120

contract: law, 120

renegotiation, 133

coordination failure, 253

corporate finance, 258

corporate law, 131

corruption, 106

counter-cue, 52

cue, 28, 146

cue-conditioning, 49

cue-triggered mistakes, 32, 49

cue-triggered present-bias, 53

cue-triggered recidivism, 43

culture, 252

debiasing, 116, 137, 146

default, 82, 90, 95, 118, 133, 231

option, 26, 38, 217

plan, 217

development economics, 78, 85

Diamond, Peter, 19, 62, 301

diffusion of innovations, 97

discrimination, 121

doctor–patient relationship, see physician–patient interaction

downward rigidity, 159

Dranove, David, 210

drugs, 199

Duflo, Esther, 38

dynamically inconsistent

behavior, 30, 64

choice, 27

valuation, 89

economics: cognitive, 256

development, 78, 85, 113

health, 195

law and, 115

Public, 7

education, 86

Ellsberg, Daniel, 116

Elster, Jon, 80

empire building, 266

endowment effect, 116, 298

Engel, Christoph, 148

equilibria, multiple, 190

equilibrium, 215, 247, 253

market, 206

error: of judgment, 121

Evans, Robert, 198

expected utility theory, 124

experiment, 27, 61, 82, 98, 100, 105, 107, 117

failure, 212

formulation, 25

of reciprocity, 108

rate of, 247, 266

to plan, 38

fairness, 109, 157, 181, 298

Falk, Armin, 172, 250

Fedorikhin, Alexander, 28

Fehr, Ernst, 13, 63, 159, 170, 240, 298

finance: corporate, 258

financial institutions, 95

fines, 174

firing, 176

Fischbacher, Urs, 63

Fisher, Irving, 20

formulation failure, 25

framing, 35, 108, 147, 248

effect, 68, 82

Frank, Richard, 195, 213, 223, 234

Frederick, Shane, 27

frontal cortex, 48

Fudenberg, Drew, 37

Götte, Lorenz, 159, 240

Gächter, Simon, 63, 170

Gage, Phineas, 285

Gibbons, Robert, 252

group-based bias, 121, 138

Gruber, Jonathan, 42, 53, 91

Gul, Faruk, 12, 15, 37, 55

Güth, Werner, 107

Hall, Brian, 249

Hammermesh, Daniel, 23

harnessing bias, 147

Hausman, Jerry, 19, 23

health care, 196

health economics, 195

heuristics, 122, 153

hindsight bias, 124, 132, 245

Holden, Sarah, 27

Holmström, Bengt, 251, 266

Honkapohja, Seppo, 188

hyperbolic: discounting, 87, 214, 299

preference, 147, 295

Ichino, Andrea, 250

implicit bias, 122

incentive, 34, 110, 127, 303

mechanism, 165

negative, 175

price, 82

inefficient choice, 26

inflation, 190

information asymmetry, 200

innovations, diffusion of, 97

insider–outsider theory, 168

insurance, 213

Jolls, Christine, 116, 128, 138

Jones, Stephen, 13

judgment error, 121

justice: procedural, 181

Kahneman, Daniel, 2, 105, 114, 117, 135, 149, 203, 240, 292

Kamlani, Kunal, 167

Kaplan, Steven, 266

Keynes, John Maynard, 164, 167, 189

Korobkin, Russell, 120

Koszegi, Botond, 19, 42, 53

Kreps, David, 243, 273

Kuhn, Thomas, 150

Laibson, David, 2, 13–14, 27

law: and psychology, 150

“law of small numbers” bias, 204

law and economics, 115

layoff, 163

Lazear, Edward, 22, 268, 271

leadership, 252, 257

Ledyard, John, 64

Levine, David, 37

Life-Cycle Hypothesis, 20, 23

List, John, 67

litigation, 130

Loewenstein, George, 13, 27, 37, 39, 57

loss aversion, 105, 298

loyalty, 176

Lundborg, Per, 168

macroeconomics, 188

Malmendier, Ulrike, 243, 261, 283

market: equilibrium, 81, 206

failure, 22, 196, 224, 226, 229

McCall, Timothy, 227

McGuire, Thomas, 198, 213, 223

measuring welfare, 10

medical care, see health care

mental state, 14

Milgrom, Paul, 251

mistake, 16, 24, 29, 33, 44, 67, 236, 245, 270

cue triggered, 32, 49

self-described, 44

self-reported, 24

Modigliani, Franco, 20

morale, 160

Mullainathan, Sendhil, 85, 91, 110, 114, 196, 246

multiple equilibria, 190

Murphy, Kevin, 42, 249

Nash equilibrium, 59, 61

negative incentive, 175

neoclassical: paradigm, 10

perspective, 21

neuroscience, 35, 45

Newhouse, Joseph, 197, 226

Nisbett, Richard, 109

normative analysis, 14, 31, 81, 117, 145, 295

Ockenfels, Axel, 13

O’Donoghue, Ted, 13, 37

optimism bias, 123

organizational citizenship, 177

organizational knowledge, 256

overconfidence, 246

paternalism, 80, 148

peer pressure, 250

pension, 23, 81

Pesendorfer, Wolfgang, 12, 15, 37, 55

Phelps, Edmund, 14, 207

physician, 197, 207

decision-making, 199

induced demand, 198

physician–patient interaction, 199, 210, 223, 233

Pollack, Jordan, 14

poor, 109

“portable” theory, 291, 295

Posner, Eric, 115

Posner, Richard, 133

poverty, 86

trap, 104

precommitment, 12, 22, 133

preference, 8, 10, 303

coherent, 11

hyperbolic, 147

revealed, 7, 11–12, 15, 19, 119

social, 13

prefrontal cortex, 287

Prelec, Drazen, 39

present-bias; cue triggered, 53

price incentive, 82

pride, 179

principal–agent relations, 237

procedural justice, 181

productivity, 161

projection: bias, 57

projection bias, 57

property rights, 105

prosocial behavior, 296

psychic income, 242

psychology, 27

law and, 150

public: economics, 7

goods, 57, 251

quasi-hyperbolic discounting, 9, 16, 29, 32, 53

Rabin, Matthew, 2, 9, 13, 199, 204

Rachlinski, Jeffrey, 132

racial bias, 121, 138

Rangel, Antonio, 7, 10, 43, 81, 152

rates of failure, 266

rational: addiction, 41

expectations equilibrium (REE), 192

rationing, 196

recidivism: cue triggered, 43

reciprocity, 170

failure of, 108

REE, see rational expectations equilibrium

regret, 210

renegotiation, 133

rent-seeking, 131

retirement, 8, 21, 23–24, 31–32, 39, 83, 89, 95, 133

revealed preference, 7, 11–12, 15, 19, 119

rigidity: downward, 159

wage, 157, 188

risk-incentive model, 237

Roemer, John, 12

Rosen, Sherwin, 271

Roy, Donald, 251

Saez, Emmanuel, 38, 81

Save More Tomorrow, 96

savings, 20, 90

Schelling, Thomas, 252

Schmidt, Klaus, 13

second-best policy, 22

self-control, 12, 18, 27–28, 44

problem, 29, 32

self-described mistake, 44

self-image, 298

self-interest, 125

self-serving bias, 102, 123, 130

self-signaling, 299

selfish worker, 171

Sen, Amartya, 12

Shafir, Eldar, 240, 291

Shapiro, Carl, 164

Shavell, Steven, 115

Shefrin, Hersh, 36, 39

shirking, 164

Simon, Herbert, 2, 152

simplicity, 257

sin tax, 54

SMaRT, see Save More Tomorrow

Smith, Jennifer, 169

social: imitation, 100

preference, 13, 106

Solow, Robert, 162, 189

sorting, 268

status judgment, 179

status quo bias, 97

stereotyping heuristic, 211

Stern, Nicholas, 78

Stiglitz, Joseph, 164

stimulus, 29

Sugden, Robert, 12

Sunstein, Cass, 119, 218

Tate, Geoffrey, 243, 261

taxation, 41, 82, 128

“sin tax”, 54

temptation, 13, 35, 54

Thaler, Richard, 1, 27, 36, 39, 85, 96, 107, 117, 196, 199, 208, 215, 218

time-inconsistency, 12, 92

tipping, 300

Tirole, Jean, 243, 291, 295, 302

transaction costs, 117

true preference, 53

trust, 174, 197, 205, 228

Tversky, Amos, 2, 114, 149, 203, 292

Tyler, Tom, 181

ultimatum game, 107, 126, 172

uncertainty, 200

unemployment, 168

wage, 157

rigidity, 157, 188

warm-glow model, 62

Weiss, Andrew, 166

willingness to pay (WTP), 118

willpower, 124, 145

Wilson, Timothy, 299

worker: selfish, 171

WTP, see willingness to pay

Yellen, Janet, 162, 189